
Post program, receive feedback.

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posting the best programer to ever live

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why do you think this is better than SS

SS has too low upper body volume and no focus on aesthetic. Power cleans are a meme. I have reached a point where I can't squat near my 5RM 3 times a week.

>During his final months, Davis struggled with periods of homelessness and incarceration. He stopped taking medication because he believed that it limited his creativity. Some fans helped him by bringing him supplies, but he refused their housing offers.
>On the evening of August 11, 2018, while walking alongside railroad tracks in The Dalles, Oregon, Davis was struck and killed by a Union Pacific train.
a lot of good being so smart did him, huh

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The glowies got to him... god damned CIA niggas

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ew an IDE

> imagine having all that functionality and productivity
neah senpai, just get vim vanilla

imagine having to never lift your fingers from the keyboard tho. now combine that with a tiling manager

>I have reached a point where I can't squat near my 5RM 3 times a week

Ok, so now if your following the program you should be incorporating a light day where you squat 60-80% of the previous day's weight, right? Then when that stalls you begin a top set of 5 followed by 2 backoff sets at 90%, then when that fails you drop to 3x3 instead of 3x5. You did read the books right?

3x10 Pushups
daily Russian Fighter Pull Up Program
skip for 5 sets of 3 mins

no, /g/tards memed him to stop taking his medication and he believed them.

>taking the advice of some boomer who doesn't even look like he lifts
the problem with SS is the lack of volume, and his proposed solution when stalling is to further reduce volume? you understand why people who follow rippetoe's advice to the letter all end up looking like him, right? (i.e. fat gut, fat thighs, laughable upper body and shit proportions)

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Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it doesn't work, user. SS is basically a peaking program you do for 3 to 6 months. TM adds more volume once LP is tapped out.

it just gets better and better

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was going to re-evaluate at 8 weeks but that got cut short due to Newom's fucking faggot order to shut down gyms again

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holy fuck lmao

I'm in pain

Great way to continuing not look like you lift.

Monday-heavy squats/legs/back
Thursday-heavy deadlift/light squat/back
Saturday-medium heavy squats/light deadlift/back

this guy vims

Still getting used to haskell, functional programming is really fun though. Wdy think?

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vim fears the superior emacs

Modified TM

5x5 Squat
5x5 Bench
5xF Chins
3-5 sets GHR/back extensions/light RDL
3-5 sets direct tricep work
Abs and curls

5x5 OHP
3x5 DL
5xF Dips
3-5 sets GHR/back extensions
3-5 sets direct quad work
Abs and curls

3x5 Front Squat
3x5 Bench @ 90% of Monday
3 sets chins
3-5 sets GHR/back extensions/light RDL
3-5 sets direct tricep work
Abs and curls

Squat/DL new 1-5RM attempt
Bench/OHP new 1-5RM attempt
Fuck around with oly lifts if I feel like it
3-5 sets direct tricep work
Abs and curls

>jack off 3x8

doing a 2 day split, everyday
day 1
>pec fly
>bench press
>chest press
>incline bench press
>dumbbell pullovers
>lat pulldown
>seated row
>chin ups
>rear delt fly
>leg extensions
>leg curls
>calf raises
>leg press
>hack squat

day 2
>shoulder press
>dumbbell lateral raise
>dumbbell front raise
>overhead press
>cable pulldown
>dumbbell skull crushers
>close grip bench press
>barbell tricep extensions
>barbell curls
>dumbbell curls
>wrist curls

>ab bench
>reverse leg raises
>side planks
>lotus hold
>russian twists

i need to learn deadlifts, but other than that any problems? i want to switch to the arnold split eventually

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all 3x10 btw

wait, what? he died? man.... that sucks.

>"pre breakfast, post shit"
>"jack off 3x8"
>those weak as fuck lifts
>dat autism
you'll go far kid

The meds had shrunk his shoulders, made him soft. Them CIA **ggers got to him in the end. Made it look like a suicide.

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