Personal Body Progress

At what point do I give up on having a family? I'm 41 as of today, still live with my parents as I try to build an online business. I've been failing for close to 20 years now. Never kissed or had sex. Should I make money first from my business?

Also, body progress thread.

Attached: body progress.jpg (3629x2419, 1.22M)


Jesus Christ I hope you are lying. 40 year old virgins are funny in movies, but IRL that shit is sad AF.

I honestly don't know how to approach women.

Is this you, op? If it is, congratulations, you look great!

It's time to go to Thailand or the Philippines OP. Western women suck anyways. You've basically unintentionally saved yourself 40 years of being lied to and manipulated by entitled feminists.

Wizard here.
Pretty sure I'm doomed as well. I mean for one thing like OP I don't currently have a job. Had one for a year but then the coof happened and have been dragging my feet instead of looking for work.
I am studying for IT certifications but for some reason I feel like that will lead nowhere. But then I have such a doomer mind set, like despite having made actual progress in terms of weight loss and mental health, I still go through every day thinking I'll never get any better than this or that things are worse than they are.
There's also been a huge feeling of guilt lately, over all the things I haven't done and over how fat I used to be.
Don't know how to stop being a gloomy fuck.

bro, just get a hooker at that point
im 24 and i started fucking hookers when i was 19 and got a lot more confident around women after that, nowadays i dont even have to pay anymore

also cost of living over there is lower so business doesnt have to do as well to maintain a better quality of life

They're illegal here in TX. I would need to travel to Nevada if I want to sleep with hookers.

>Thailand or the Philippines
I've never found either country appealing but maybe I can travel to Japan and find a wife there? I just started learning Japanese so maybe in 5 years I can have an actual conversation with my future Japanese wife?

the op image is a really good transformation but I don't think that's 7%

>Letting the law keep you from getting what you want.

As a balding manlet with misanthropic rage, I hope to one day achieve Vegeta mode.

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>They're illegal here in TX.

i see what your problem actually is. you're a fucking retard. do you seriously think people go all the way to nevada to fuck whores? just go to a chink massage parlor you big fucking dorkoloid. or find whatever the new backpages is.

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People keep getting arrested for paying for sex here in TX. And you need to fucking calm the fuck down. I'm just telling you how the situation is right now in my state.

Fucking a hooker is gross imo, don't bother with that guy. Did it twice in the same night. It's just gross.

If you are 41 you are pretty much fucked. Try online dating or get an asian gf, they don't really have standards. Do you at least have friends?

I have a couple of old friends I meet every once in a while but haven't seen them lately due to Covid.

So you think its too late to start a family? I feel I can have a decent chance going on dates but who knows.

Are there actual men who end up in their 40s being single/virgin not by choice?
Well I am 28 and looks like this is going to be my future if I don't dope

>7% bf

hahahhaha, no

DFW bro here, what stories are you basing off of?

How could they get there, if not by choice?

I personally haven't and won't because I think it's kinda repulsive and the idea of being single forever doesn't really bug me

It's not to late to start a family, but that would mean you would need a younger woman. A woman your age should better not get a baby imo.

There is always a woman who is in the same or a similiar position as yours. To the normie women you'd appear as a freak, BUT a woman that is single at 40 is different. Most of them seem always kind of desperate. Some might just be freshly divorced, already have kids and a family. At least the once I met(fucked). Dates are no problems, but familiy is different. Both of my parents met their partners when they were 50+. For my mother it was dating apps, for my father it was a coworker.

Where would you meet younger women? What if you approach them and they are creeped out? But yet, many(almost every) women are turned on by older guys. Especially if you are fit. Just get out of the basement and try your luck. There's literally nothing to lose. Try tinder for starters.

Become an actual wizard and heal yourself
Healing comes from within

>Heal the Body
Get fit. Become a beautiful man, a beacon of our sex
>Heal the Mind
Eat that which is not born of death
Get plenty of sleep
>Heal the Soul
Find a quiet place, sit, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing
Let the thoughts pass as if they are fish in a stream, do not ponder anything
Just focus on your breathing and reconnect yourself to Creation.

You can be a virgin by consequence of your autism

you're not gonna make it. im sorry man. enjoy your next 30 years i guess.

you are not missing anything if you really want to have sex, just buy an escort. Do not "fall in love" its a scam focus on your business, when your business takes off find a woman of good breed and have a baby with her

you can always freeze your seed

Hmmm, I could try a yoga class to meet young women there.

Congratz on the progress but that aint 7%

I,m gay and would fuck him

How old was he in the before pic,I want to show my dad he still has hope

I'm straight.
2 years ago. I was 39

Did you have to do anything special to avoid loose skin? I'm much younger than you at 28 and already seeing a slight amount after losing 45lb in about 3.5 months. I take collagen currently.

Men never have to give up on having a family but I understand if you feel it’s too late. If I were you I would find an older woman who hasn’t hit menopause yet and nut inside her.

That’s not even close to 7% bodyfat

I would unironically go for a hair transplant if I was this guy

Not 7%

Is this you? If so, great job dude. Keep it up.