7inch dick

>7inch dick
>Still insecure about penis size

Will lifting help me cope?

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Your dick isn't 7 inches then.

It is bone pressed

Lol. I've got a Greek statue tier benor and I don't care. Why are people so scared about theirs?

My beps is 4 inch, i fugged eleven girls and a half

I am almost 8" and over 6" around and even I sometimes wish for a bigger dick.

Explain the half. Midget, amputee, child, tranny?


I'm 8x6 and will probably get a bathmate or some shit to give me an edge over the absolute biggest in my area on fetlife and shit

Same. I felt I had a tiny dick until a girl told me it was huge and it hurt her

post dick

I'm 7.5 and I feel tiny.

Lifting hasn't helped.

>bf has 10cm cock
could be worse bro

Do you cuck him or think about doing so?

Midge trap

>completely average 5.9 inch dick
>feel adequate all the time
>women love it

Why? I'm 7.5 inches and thick and I don't think I've ever wanted a bigger dick.

To stay on topic with op: I fantasize about my bf being fit enough to pick me up and push me against a wall. I would love for him to be strong. I wish he would come to the gym or go on hikes with me. If he did those things, his dick wouldn't matter. So just focus on being fit, learn other sexual skills too

>and a half.
So you somehow found and fucked two of them?
I am honestly impressed.

Just fuck tiny women until they eventually complain that your dick is too big.
>7x5.5 dick
>Tiny Asian girlfriend
>Plow her pussy into the dirt
>She enjoys every minute of it
>After we're done she starts to lose the numbness from pleasure and complains that I'm too big and might have broken her pussy
I no longer have worries about my dick size. The non Asian I'd dated gave me dick compliments too but I always thought it was just what girls say. Can confirm it's fine now.

Angion 2.0 and Vit D. Pumps are for temporary gains with a cock ring or you likely run the potential to fuck you up because you will want to overpump.
The bathmate is not worth the cost for the name, although they are well made.

I've 6.6x5.55 and i'm satisfied with it, would not mind another 0.5 length tho but girth is perfect imo

cos theyre lying

Lmao so based. I love you baby

Like 20%

This. I'm shocked what the ruler says because it looks small to me

why you guys so insecure? stop watching so much porn even dudes with 12cm penises get laid
if you've got 16cm or more you're golden

Lose weight, probably gain 1/4" which looks more like 1/2"
If your thighs get too big it will make your dick look smaller.

C O P E of the highest order.

DYEL nerds get laid too. Doesn't mean I would be satisfied with being one.

you can't do dick training exercises bro

Having a 7+ inch dick is more common than the data suggest. The data is probably taking on board older guys with partial ED and overweight people.

A most healthy 18-30 year olds have a dick between 6.5-7.5 unless everyone is lying or retarded

Also the amount of girls who say they have been with a 8incher+ plus is too high to discount

Are u fat?

But Asian women are soulless husks.

White women might be shallow and vein but at least they have a soul

I did my fair research on average penis size and you're retarded and mentally ill. In almost every single study the participants take viagra or similar pill, And you can look at the data in europe in places where there aren't many asian at all but only whites and blacks and still the average consistently come below 6x4.85 in almost every single one, Most around 5.7x4.6