
a thread dedicated to lean physiques and the pursuit of sub 10% bodyfat

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>dyel cucks
rename this /DYELGeneral/

all of these physiques are more aesthetic than the vast majority of 16%-20% slobs in cbt. literally everyone on here would look a lot better at 10% bf but they dont have the dedication

being 10% is unhealthy and too lean. have fun being sick.

ottermode has always been my goal. pic related is identical to how I want to look, minus the tatts.

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not him but you can sit between 10% and 12% and still have normal hormone production, but this is the absolute limit. Anything lower than this and you're going to have 0 libido, no energy, deficiencies, and some other unwanted stuff going.

fatty cope

god damn he looks good, what do you think his weight would be at 184cm?

How much do you reckon he would weigh assuming he was 6'3?

he's 6'1 167lbs according to google

aight so probably 175-180 at 6'3?

What mode do you lads think this is? Body dysmorphia is fucking with me so I don’t know if I’m lean enough.

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you're kinda fat ngl

athletic mode, u look good
maybe cut a few pounds to reach ottermode

You're looking good and above the average man - normies would think you're ripped.
Cut a little bit more and you'll be ottermode.

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fuck off faggot

Are there any ways to get rid of some excess skin?
I've lost some weight and now it's worse than the fat I had. But I'd much more prefer to be lean. Any ideas lean-lads?

That way more than ottermode, look at the size of those triceps

not sure bro, maybe give it time?

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I wanna reach 10% body fat, any tips on how to do it , calories wise, right now i'm at 137 lbs 5'10

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am I the only one who thinks this guy has a very punchable face?

137lbs at 5'10 is quite lean - your probably already there desu

I've heard anecdotally that extended fasts can help with loose skin but I don't know much truth there is to that. Could be something to check out though

based. tats is for subhumans and thots

>that half-side half-front angle
>the slight lean back to express abdominal muscles
this is the Zig Forums equivalent of when guys push down around their dick to make it look longer for dick pics.