All my life I have wanted an upper body bone structure like Bush Sr, or possibly Obama, but instead my bone structure is like George W. Bush even though I am tall. My torso is hopelessly wide.
All my life I have wanted an upper body bone structure like Bush Sr, or possibly Obama...
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Stop comparing yourself with commies and stop coping
Im unsure about Obama, but besides Trump the others were college athletes or military. Trump is the least fit president we have had in a while
Trump never had the makings of a varsity athlete.
is there a more pretentious exercise than this?
>college athletes
I feel like such a 2004 pop-punk rocker for bringing this up again, but W Bush was a cheerleader. THE head cheerleader of his high school in fact.
Lol at the 2lb dumbells he uses, Michelle Obama does 35lbs
oh but also he did play rugby in college, so fair enough good for him
Jimmy Carter looks like a school girl there
what kinda school girls have you been looking at
Dubya was a pilot in the Texas and Alabama Air National Guard
is piloting considered a sport in America?
it's called being a lardass user
No it’s called wide hips and rib cage, you won’t fool me. I have been rail thin and still like a fridge.
So was McCain, would you call him a shining example of American spirit?
Nope, just saying he was military. So obviously enjoyed working out along with the string of past presidents until Trump
The previous string of presidents also enjoyed destabilizing the middle east for their jewish masters in addition to slowly degrading american rights (Patriot Act).
trump was on the highschool football team
>Nope, just saying he was military. So obviously enjoyed working
That's besides the point, there's loads of dudes that just bloat up after their service because they don't like working out. The fact that he doesn't look like Trump is proof enough though.
Zig Forums - Fitness
A Sopranos reference on my website? We'll bond over some Gabagool
>obviously political thread
>no you can't be political
Go eat a bullet, chapotranny.
>wojak poster
>referencing a podcast that became popular in like 2018
>unable to scream about autistic politics in a thread clearly about fitness, on a fitness board
Le Epic 2016 Oldfag
>clearly about fitness
Right. I call you a chapotranny because that is what you are. Dilate.
Just about everyone on Zig Forums was on their high school football team.
Ay tone, get a load of this bait thread
Chad Gerald Ford won 2 national titles at Michigan
Can you people please shift your focus back to the fact that I have a torso with a short distance between my hips and ribs and with mesomorph shoulders and a wider rib cage which makes me always feel fat?
Havr you tried yoga
No but I will now.