Is being skinnyfat even worse than being fatfat?

Is being skinnyfat even worse than being fatfat?

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I think so, because at least fatfat have a clear cut goal: cut. Skinnyfat guys can't really cut or bulk.
Plus, fatfat people usually have a decent amount of muscle underneath the fat, and their legs have to be extremely strong to carry all the weight

I honestly think its same, if you are fat you cut, and that will decrease/maintain your muscle(if you are eating your ratio protein and somewhat exercising)
If you are skinny fat, you cut also, you don't have a lot of muscle, so cutting, to get rid of the fat while eating ratio protein and lifting, is the best imo

Yes because if you're fat, you've got at least some muscle from lugging all that weight around. Skinnyfat is the absolute worst starting ground.

>Skinnyfat guys can't really cut or bulk.
or rather they need to do both simultaneously
that means cico+intermittent fast while increasing intensity on lifts
once they can no longer increase poundage, hold the poundage while bf% keeps dropping, once the poundage starts to slip, the bf% should be in single digits and calories can be added back
cardio not required but will speed this process

>all this fatfat cope

Slinnyfat isn't a thing. You're just fat

this guy is correct
recomping is not a myth, it's a more finely-tuned process than strictly cutting or bulking which makes it tough. this is why a lot of faggots quit doing it and claim it's a meme. currently recomping (no IF) and seeing solid results.

>fatfat people have muscle

Someone post the picture showing that fat people actually have less muscle because their fat suffocates it.

yeah, he's fat and have a low muscle lvl. Get some muscle first. then worry about the fat