Is being skinnyfat even worse than being fatfat?

Is being skinnyfat even worse than being fatfat?

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I think so, because at least fatfat have a clear cut goal: cut. Skinnyfat guys can't really cut or bulk.
Plus, fatfat people usually have a decent amount of muscle underneath the fat, and their legs have to be extremely strong to carry all the weight

I honestly think its same, if you are fat you cut, and that will decrease/maintain your muscle(if you are eating your ratio protein and somewhat exercising)
If you are skinny fat, you cut also, you don't have a lot of muscle, so cutting, to get rid of the fat while eating ratio protein and lifting, is the best imo

Yes because if you're fat, you've got at least some muscle from lugging all that weight around. Skinnyfat is the absolute worst starting ground.

>Skinnyfat guys can't really cut or bulk.
or rather they need to do both simultaneously
that means cico+intermittent fast while increasing intensity on lifts
once they can no longer increase poundage, hold the poundage while bf% keeps dropping, once the poundage starts to slip, the bf% should be in single digits and calories can be added back
cardio not required but will speed this process

>all this fatfat cope

Slinnyfat isn't a thing. You're just fat

this guy is correct
recomping is not a myth, it's a more finely-tuned process than strictly cutting or bulking which makes it tough. this is why a lot of faggots quit doing it and claim it's a meme. currently recomping (no IF) and seeing solid results.

>fatfat people have muscle

Someone post the picture showing that fat people actually have less muscle because their fat suffocates it.

yeah, he's fat and have a low muscle lvl. Get some muscle first. then worry about the fat

>be /skelly/ and skinnyfat at the same time
>no muscle anywhere on body, fat stomach
>literally only place on my body with any fat is my ass and my stomach
>start working out and stop drinking soda, juice, and milk entirely
>start eating better
>arms starting to get larger and I can actually SEE muscle for the first time in my life
>can see the muscle fibers underneath my skin
>still have this fucking stomach fat
>profile shots make me die a little inside
I just need to keep dieting harder and working out more. It pisses me off when my friends/family say "oh user, you don't need to diet! you're already so skinny!"
they don't understand.

>oh user, you don't need to diet! you're already so skinny!"
Fuck, I know that feel.

it's the worst shit I've ever experienced. People think dieting is only for fat fucks. I want to achieve ottermode, but people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I'm having a water instead of a glass of coke because I'm on a diet.
We had a family barbeque over fourth of july weekend and I made an joke offhand about how I'd rather have a 6-pack of abs over a 6-pack of beer and my cousin later told me she thought I had "body dysphoria" because I diet even though I'm "already so skinny"

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>and my cousin later told me she thought I had "body dysphoria" because I diet even though I'm "already so skinny"
Bet she thinks she's skinny too, huh?

I've lost 20lbs during the quarantine, went from 175 to 155, scale says my bf% dropped from 22% to 15.5%, 5'11", still look skinny fat. Wat do? Gyms are still closed in my gay state.

cut more, get to 12% or something and reassess. If you still have excess fat you didn't cut enough probably

Nothing is worse than being indian monk mode
Fat losers from fit will not understand this since most of them are in an eternal fight to not get fat

same user family members constantly asking "why do you need to diet, you're already so skinny" while shoving food in front of you. like ffs what part of "I'm on a diet" do you not understand

>recomping is not a myth
Don't people also bail because the results are also very gradual? i.e. you can lose fat/build muscle quicker on simply cut/bulk albeit at a greater risk of muscle loss/fat gain? Personally as a scalefag that actually likes weighing all that shit out and counting calories/macros I can negate those pitfalls. I guess that means I'm predisposed to working well with a recomp too but prefer the cut-bulk thing. Guess it doesn't carry the vibe of being a half measure

gf constantly buys cases of cola and always offers me ice cold glasses of soda in the middle of work in my hot ass office. I can't refuse. I don't want to believe she's trying to sabotage my gains, but at this point I can't stop thinking it might be the case.

He may not being training enough too. Hell, even doing 10,000 steps a day helps a lot if cutting.

fuck no. Skinnyfat is normal these days for most guys in their 20s-30s. Fatfat is still actively looked down upon and if you wear a shirt bigger than L its time to lose weight.

who here 5 miles a day crew?

>my legs and joints hate me but its worth it

My relationship with my mother visibly deteriorates when I'm cutting bc I kind of ignore her and purposefully give her the cold shoulder in order to prevent her tempting me to eat. I don't act like a complete asshat though. I feel bad about it, but it works.

I don't have a license so it's either take the bus or walk/bike. I don't want to ride of the bus, so it's the 3 mile walk to work, and another 3 miles back for a total of 6 miles walked. My legs/feet hurt the first few days but it's a lot better now. My feet don't even hurt when I get home anymore.

god fucking damn it why do they always tempt us with delicious foods we can't eat? I got so use to eating whatever I wanted in large quantities because I had a fast metabolism when I was a teenager but now I'm 23 years old and my metabolism has more or less evened out. I can't eat like I use to, but the temptation still exists.

I'm skinnyfat and if I had a button to make me fatfat, I would not press it. It seems like a retard decision to press it.

It’s true, I haven’t been training recently, although in the first few months of lockdown I did exercise daily with resistance bands and shit. I do walk 10,000 steps a day though.

Im very happy with the loss of weight, but really wish I could have done this when gyms were open. I honestly don’t think I look very good right now at 155.

Will planking help me lose the belly? I've heard that part of the problem with skinnyfats is that their abs are too weak and so their gut protrudes too much. Will planking tighten my core enough to keep my gut held into place better? It doesn't seem like there's a lot of fat on my stomach in general, but my stomach still sticks out.

Why couldn't skinnyfats cut? Asking because that's what I've been doing for 5 weeks now

Attached: skinnyfat.png (996x663, 1.41M)

Pretty much. People are really motivated by results in the mirror and on a recomp those results are slower to show. I'm not sure if a recomp is quicker but it's definitely not slower than traditional bulk-cut. I actually fucked around with all 3.
>be me
>skinnyfat, decide to cut and lift
ended up looking the exact same (still pudgy with very little muscle mass) but just weighing less, borderline skelly
>fast forward 2 years
>be skinnyfat again
>decide to bulk
just ended up getting fat, granted a lot stronger though
>fast forward another year, 5 months ago
>skinnyfat again, borderline fat
have seen both increased muscle mass, strength gains, and have lost roughly ~4% body fat. i'm just happy because i'm not fat or skelly or weak. i'm happily in the middle. still got to lose another 3-5% BF though.

am i skelly or skinnyfat

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Lower ab work is better

Just refuse, simple. Tell her you won't drink anymore, she is sabotaging you and you just need to be up front. In all likelihood it's an excuse to drink soda on your part but if you manage to stop drinking the liquid jew that's a good step forward

I think you're very mildly skinnyfat.
But it's hard to tell, because I'm pretty sure you took this picture on a Motorola Razr Flip.

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I think you're a skelton with a tiny bit of pudge. Honestly I would probably just call you skinny.

A mild case of the skinny fat. You should bulk instead of cut though

what makes someone "skelly" exactly? would it have to be no muscle mass and concave stomach as well?