Or it depends on the individual?
Does lower BF% makes you instantly more attractive?
Always yes.
A lot people would look better with lower bf%
I have a theory, most people are not ugly, there are more attractive people out there than ugly people, but high bf% ruins most peoples beauty
Lets be honest, most people out there are fat. Not only in the USA, also in Europe. You don’t need to be obese to be fat, and most people are overweight.
Yes it does
Bodyfat %
you can go from GigaChad to ugly random joe if your bofyfat is too high
Advice for fatties here, lose bodyfat we may never know that maybe you are chad under the fat
More like lower FACE FAT
men are supposed to have low bf%
i went from ~14% bf in highschool to ~22% bf in college and there's a noticeable difference in how people treat me. it was like a new world opened up in which people were suddenly all significantly more rude.