Or it depends on the individual?
Does lower BF% makes you instantly more attractive?
Always yes.
A lot people would look better with lower bf%
I have a theory, most people are not ugly, there are more attractive people out there than ugly people, but high bf% ruins most peoples beauty
Lets be honest, most people out there are fat. Not only in the USA, also in Europe. You don’t need to be obese to be fat, and most people are overweight.
Yes it does
Bodyfat %
you can go from GigaChad to ugly random joe if your bofyfat is too high
Advice for fatties here, lose bodyfat we may never know that maybe you are chad under the fat
More like lower FACE FAT
men are supposed to have low bf%
i went from ~14% bf in highschool to ~22% bf in college and there's a noticeable difference in how people treat me. it was like a new world opened up in which people were suddenly all significantly more rude.
Definitely. I get a lot of compliments when I'm 15% and below. I feel most attractive between 10-12%. Makes me hate bulking.
pretty much yes. i look much better with low bf
Nah that's the kid from the sixth sense all grown up.
Yes, for the vast majority your face will look much better with low bodyfat.
I'm water fasting 10 days for a lower bf%, Day 1 is done. Day 2 is sunday
No work or college thanks quarantine, doing calisthenics for muscle maintenance. Tips?
Stay busy stay away from food. Drink snake juice. I'm on day 5 right now. Not so bad but Im definitely depleted.
11% is ideal. If you are starting at 11% than no lower body fat doesn’t make you look better
More attractive? Yes
Attractive? That depends on your bone structure.
How much weight do you lose, and what activities are you doing? How much does it impact strength and so on?
Enjoy losing muse gains, u need heavy weights to retain muscle. A couple of push ups and pullups won't do shit
Jumped about 2 points when I got abs. My face isn’t round and I don’t have a double chin. While I’m no model I’m above average now
Yup. I’m starving myself right now to get back to it.. I’ve been hungry for so long. I feel like I’m going to pass out
I'm this guy
Posted in another thread with more details Good luck user, I hear it gets easier from here on
Hmm, you're right. I re-read these studies again and I need to do about 1500 kcal worth of exercises it seems
Testosterone production goes up when lower body fat as well
I'm always right, as much hate this board gets, its has good information. U need heavy weight to keep muscle while fasting, refeeds with high protein and carbs.
from fatty to faggy
If that is considered faggy then I'd get fag tattooed on my chest to have a 7.5/10 face like that