How do you guys satiate your sweet tooth without fucking everything up?
How do you guys satiate your sweet tooth without fucking everything up?
Noah Wright
Oliver Garcia
stevia and xilytol
Adam Bailey
Sugar-free drinks
Lots of water
Adam Powell
cake braps
Camden Roberts
You don't. You'll never truly satiate it without completely fucking up. That being said, it's okay to loosen up every once in a while (like, maybe once a month) and have some ice cream or something. Don't go over your TDEE though.
Connor James
If I'm bulking - ice cream or cheesecake. If I'm cutting, then I mix fresh berries in with my grains, cottage cheese, or yogurts
Jacob Lee
Fresh fruit.
Blake Wilson
i fucking hate sweet food
Christopher Green
oh feck is that cake farts I haven’t seen that since like freshman year of highscool
Owen Morgan
I just eat like six M&Ms a day.