How do you guys satiate your sweet tooth without fucking everything up?
How do you guys satiate your sweet tooth without fucking everything up?
stevia and xilytol
Sugar-free drinks
Lots of water
cake braps
You don't. You'll never truly satiate it without completely fucking up. That being said, it's okay to loosen up every once in a while (like, maybe once a month) and have some ice cream or something. Don't go over your TDEE though.
If I'm bulking - ice cream or cheesecake. If I'm cutting, then I mix fresh berries in with my grains, cottage cheese, or yogurts
Fresh fruit.
i fucking hate sweet food
oh feck is that cake farts I haven’t seen that since like freshman year of highscool
I just eat like six M&Ms a day.
strawberries and sugarless gum
I recognize that cake.
I simply live with the sweet tooth
Halo Top ice cream you fool. Just $5 for 300 calories and 20g protein.
Low fat greek yoghurt with 0 calorie sweetener and frozen berries when cutting. About 200 calories per bowl and tastes like a dessert.
That cake looks good! I sure wish nobody would sit and fart on that, that would be silly hahaha
>$5 for 300 calories
Sprite Zero and almost zero cal lemonade/iced tea/arnies
Sugar free gummy bears... it comes at a price though. Also boomer juice.
I tend to satiate it with something more filling or rich. So instead of soda i'll have a small hot chocolate or a bit of pound cake. Or if im fending for Oreo, i always add milk to help fill me up so i don't just eat a whole package.
Is this what they call a 'dirty bulk' ?
KETO GANG RISE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>no filthy addictive substance that causes more harm than good
>only sugar sources is from yummy blackberries, blueberries, raspberries
>if i really need something sweet, i have stevia or monkfruit at my disposal
how does it feel being a fatty that is addicted to sugar? :/
I only use those when I feel like I have an intestinal blockage. Those fucking things should need a prescription.
i don’t have one
hello fellow keto king, I've been enjoying delicious 88% dark chocolate lately, along with some brie
sugarlets will never comprehend
If you stop eating sugar then your gut microbiome will adjust. Once you go two or three weeks without it you won't get cravings anymore.
uh 3 weeks
>Those low cal ice creams
>Making protein cheesecake
>Protein milkshakes
>Protein pancakes with greek yogurt/fruits/chocolate chips/etc.
>Other random protein focused desert recipes I come across & wanna try out
I fuck myself up when I go out with friends and eat out, no protein desert substitutes out there.
Managed to find some 95% dark chocolate shit is cash.
Brand is Lindt for anyone interested
fapped to this once for a laugh
post body. even bodybuilders eat ice cream on the off season
Go keto for a month. I promise you that when you try to eat any kind of 'normal' food it will taste excessively sweet.
When I stopped a keto diet after a month, the first thing I ate was a sausage biscuit from mcdonalds. That shit tasted like a slice of cake. It's kind of crazy, but that's why most people are fat, because carbs are addictive and they are put in almost everything to encourage you to be a good little citizen and C O N S U M E P R O D U C T.
There was some cooking show I watched and they showed the secret to making good stir fry vegetables and why they taste so good in restaurants. It's because when they cook them, they pour in a fuck ton of sugar.