Let’s go
OWG /Olympic Weightlifting General
Logan Stewart
Sebastian Price
insta: @amanda_the.strong.panda
Denmark 64kg women senior.
24th place at last worlds.
Benjamin Lee
What’s the best way to learn the lifts without a coach? Or go about finding a coach?
Ayden Lewis
Kayden Diaz
Live, in person coaching is 100% better than anything else. Video coaching feedback is next. Then learning from videos and youtube. If you choose any option but a live, in person coach, you're choosing a much longer learning curve.
Just look for local coaching in your area. To learn the basics any coach will do. After you've gotten a few years in, then think about looking for a coach tailored to your specific tastes.
Bentley Anderson
Zachary Edwards
This is now post your wheyfu /OWG/ edition
Jack Ward
She has a fat ass
Cameron Martin
Xavier Jones
Hire me lol