>Short enough to get those manlet gains/aesthetics
>Still taller than the average male and like 95% of women
Lanklet cope is to be expected
>Short enough to get those manlet gains/aesthetics
>Still taller than the average male and like 95% of women
Lanklet cope is to be expected
This is simply not true, around 6'2 is the ideal height in the western world.
i'm 172 cm and i'm not gonna pretend like i didn't wish i was taller, however my legs are built like fucking tree trunks after only a couple months of working out and i've seen dudes way taller than me who can barely make leg gains.
>b-but muh dick
lmao manlet cope
Basadisimo.182-185cm are the best height
Also, someone drop the chart of height- women attraction
>couple of months training
183 - 193 cm is the ideal male height range