5’11 is the best height

>Short enough to get those manlet gains/aesthetics
>Still taller than the average male and like 95% of women

Lanklet cope is to be expected

Attached: BCC39A90-CA7B-4711-9668-3837394D6839.jpg (1330x536, 92.87K)

This is simply not true, around 6'2 is the ideal height in the western world.

i'm 172 cm and i'm not gonna pretend like i didn't wish i was taller, however my legs are built like fucking tree trunks after only a couple months of working out and i've seen dudes way taller than me who can barely make leg gains.


>b-but muh dick


lmao manlet cope

Basadisimo.182-185cm are the best height
Also, someone drop the chart of height- women attraction

>couple of months training

183 - 193 cm is the ideal male height range