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Fitness #566
Deadlift thread
Is running the penultimate exercise for cardio?
Why do little children use steroids now? Picture related, kids 17
What are some EASY Zig Forums recipes?
Lifting is not going to make you any more socially confident than you already are or magically make you more...
Took finasteride for 4 years prior to developing severe ED and loss of libido this month after taking the drug...
ITT People you used to think were huge
Martial Law is in effect
What should her diet and workout plan be?
/mag/ - Martial Arts General
What does Zig Forums is the most attractive muscle to women is?
Gyms all around the world will be closed around September as second wave of COVID-19 is gonna hit
What mode is this?
What is your benchpress 1rm?
Dumb Newbie Questions
Why do chicks hate anal sex so much?
Gf keeps telling me not to get any bigger
Pitted acne scarring
/BBG/ - Bodybuilding General
I can't sleep, feels like I'm ruining any progress, because I just can't fucking sleep at night...
Finally decided to try nofap
Pushup thread
Valid reason for not going to the gym?
It's OHP day!
I absolutely hate the actual act of working out. It's boring as hell and makes me feel like shit...
Some dude just form corrected me on my deadlift
Why are you homos so obsessed with peoples legs? Literally nobody cares about legs except you
Is there any point in lifting if you're ugly...
Raalistically, when do you think we could have a worldwide vaccination...
How fit was Swiss miss in her prime?
PPL & Brosplits > Starting Strength and Stronglifts
How do you find motivation to work out?
/c/ - Calisthenics general
Program Thread
Tfw arms getting visibly bigger
What motivates you to lift?
How much do I have to lift before she'll let me fuck her ass and cum on her pretty face?
Have I made it?
Which is the most brutal style of wrestling?
I wish I took sports more seriously back in HS
This is why i lift
Let's face it, 6'6 is the perfect height for a man. Most guys are 6'0-6'2 AT BEST. If you're a Greek god at 6'6...
Quick question
It's impossible. You'll never make it. Never make it, ever make it. Never make it. NEVER make it. You'll never make it...
Ausfags General
Visit older bro in south america
Over the past year they have been consistently going to the gym
Cheating thread
Ive made modest but nice gains in length and girth from improving my cardio, but id like more
Rate me after my surgeries
Why doe she look so pathetic?
Rate me
Doctor said I'm Vitamin D Deficient
What mode is this?
Birthday coming up soon turning 26, dubs decides what I do on babies special day
How to achieve this body?
No matter how much you cope, butterbean would have knocked the fuck out of you, your aesthetics...
What are some of the autistic pastas that actually make sense?
Let's settle this: Are jacked manlets aesthetic or not?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
How do I grow taller? I’m 24 and I’m 5’3”...
What's a good beginner program (not SL or SS) for aesthetics using only free weights?
When does the hunger go away when trying to lose weight as a fatty?
Literally impossible to look like an incel while wearing a chain
Home gym
Femanon here what can I do to improve myself?
Bro it's just a numbers game
The holy trinity
How many college age girl of average build can you take on in a fight? Realistically speaking
Why does it matter to have big muscles?
This guy is one of the reason i refuse to workout
Cheat day
Fasting kills gains-
Why are so many bodybuilders still insecure despite their massive size?
Physiques that inspired you to lift
Why aren't you mewing, user?
I look ugly and evil
I truly believe that the Zig Forumsmisc golden era which lasted from 2007-2013 was, bar none...
My sister got angry at me because she claimed that eating the first thing in the morning is CRUCIAL to weight loss and...
/TWG/ - today's workout
Post pictures of men with terrible genetics
/Fraud/ permanent shutdown edition
/fast/ -- SUGAR IS ADDICTIVE POISON -- edition
2 hours after breaking 72hr fast
Zig Forums Music
Can't go out
Zig Forums shake recipe sharing thread? What's your "famous" or go-to protein shake?
Name a more Zig Forums way to get drunk than the White Russian. Oh that's right, you can't
Why are our skulls not as robust?
/swim/ - Swimming General
Ab Wheel
Put shirtless pic on tinder
Imagine thinking you're healthy when you have to restrict food to stay lean
Imagine not ever maxing this out in your entire life
Cursed pictures thread
What are some fitness "red flags"
Dick gains?
Say sorry to broccoli, user
Come on, one beer won't hurt will it?
What does a runner's high feel like?
Body hair
Breaking point
Is kebab fit approved?
Is S.O.Y.-LENT the ultimate Zig Forums meal?
Why haven't you gone to asia to collect your free gymthot?
Tinder Thots
I feel like my gains have started to stagnate and i might have to start to deload...
Is there anything wrong with cutting if you're skinnyfat?
Is this true?
Post dinner
Lift for her
Post your goal body
/sig/- Self Improvement General
The physiological benefits of nofap actually have some scientific background
Chronic Fatigue
Fitness Reverse Search
Why aren't you saved yet?
Are these real dumbbells? Jeff doing one armed 90lbs (40kg) dumbbell flat bench
Preworkout thread
Serious Anons, are they trying to kill us? Waters laced with estrogen and fluoride...
Is it true that Korean girls don’t like guys that lift, instead just super skinny faggots?
UK bros - the government "eat out to help out" starts on Monday...
Never lifts
Weight loss through smoking
GZCL Method
What motivates you to lift?
How do you get the strength to go through intense and prolonged suffering if you are already at 2/3/4/5?
Is she really natty?
Today is the day I quit dating apps
Does anyone else here find themselves drinking 3-4 times a week with the lockdown and wfh stuff...
To my fellow mid 20s and older Zig Forumsizens, how do you deal with waking up multiple times to pee?
Literally whats the point of lifting besides vanity? You can be healthy without lifting and being swole
How do I get a body like this?
Wow, so there's THREE types of squatting? That's so fascinating! Other guys have such boring lives, ugh...
Profiting off being Zig Forums?
Ausfags General
Thoughts Zig Forums?
Pic related
Fit incels be like
Let's be positive guys! Body positivity!!!
/yoga general/
/BBG/ - Bodybuilding General
A 340kg deadlift is impossible if you're veg
Zig Forums humor / humour
Push up thread
As Zig Forums has told me, he is respectable (but makes clickbait because youtube money), but really...
This is Zedd. You have probably heard his music. He is one of the most famous DJ's in recent years...
/manlet/ general
What do I do?
Do incels have a point?
Lifting is not going to make you any more socially confident than you already are or magically make you more...
How come you never see people doing The Press in the gym? Isn’t it the best lift for shoulder growth?
Improving English voice
The best gainz are in your genes
Reminder you should encourage all women around you to lift
Post your bed
Be me
Walking down the beach you suddenly hear:
Vegan bodybuilding
Reddit manlet demasculated. Girlfriend loses interest
You’re a beta if you want or need or even have “friends”
ITT: we post kryptonite
What mode is this?
Just had sex with a cutie
What program are you doing anons? And have you progressed?
Take that lank lords
No More Porn
Deal with the devil
/high test/
How's that home gym coming along Zig Forums?
Book Thread
Last night
Is this you?
Are SARM's worth it?
CBT - /fuck the other one/ Edition
Brown rice vs Wild rice?
Pull-ups vs. Chinups
Have you ever been bullied or seen someone else get bullied at the gym? How'd you react?
Lanklets, what's your favourite food to get big?
How was the gym today, Kings?
/fat/ - fats and logic edition
What percentage are not fat but listed as such by BMI standards?
How many pull-ups/pushups a day to achieve this physique?
What are some good reasons to work out besides increasing strength and looks?
What do you think of this mentality?
*enter gym*
In the past real men did not have big muscles now to be seen as real man you must have big muscles why did this change...
The bane of my existence. Taco Bell's Chalupa
Try to do nofap
Who do you lift for?
What exercises should I do to get blue eyes?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Most of Jiu Jitsu is stupid
Is vidya good for you?
The Real Tarzan is natty?
I am a trans woman preparing the trials to be a cop
Strength vs Aesthetics
Push-up Thread
I just got a job repairing and installing AC. What the fuck...
Muster up the courage to date someone for the first time in 2 years
The meme water
Should I learn jujitsu bros...
Be me, Korean
Is recomp a meme or not...
I switched to a vegetarian diet last year for health reasons on Dr.'s order...
Does spicy food burn fat?
Realistically speaking, how unhealthy is a physique like this?
Is it gay to find this attractive?
6 foot master race
Gym Rat
Joining the Army
Really makes you think
Unironically what is the point of staying natty?
Red pill me on oatmeal
TRT thread
Do u guys like my lunch
/fph/ - Fat People Hate:
Mental Health - Help
Looks like Zig Forums is wrong once again
You're not REALLY doing yoga, are you? You sick fuck
Why are fattys like THIS?
So this is what lifting does to women
*sips drink*
Guys I'm having an anxiety attack right now
Shit genetics thread
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
Can women achieve this naturally?
Reject the beard
Who's laughing now hahahahahhah take that Zig Forums
Start no fap as getting sick of porn addiction
Self improvement meme
Do you make an effort to sniff the girl's butthole during sex
Is this physique ideal?
Why are so many people here obese?
Why don't fatties realize that they have never seen an elderly hamplanet? Change your ways, or suffer the consequences
How to get the Stacy bros?
Jesus Inspiration Thread /JIT/
How i get like this
Woman stronger than man
Dance party!
This is now a daily routine thread:
A 90 year old woman squats more than you
This poster was right above my urinal at the gym
Was your dad alpha? Did he lift?
What to fry eggs in?
Redpill me on eggs. Will eating a lot fuck up my arteries?
Redpill me on antinutrients
Name one food which is better for protein input without destroying your cardio vascular system
I feel tired all the fucking time
/run/ - running general
One reason
Is it really that important to stretch before you workout...
thanks for taking me out for a protein shake, user....now, can I see those abs of yours?
While i'm hitting 3pl8 bench for REPS this 2/10 is getting this babe of a chick. how do we recover bros?
He looks so happy bros
*blacks your path*
This is my fear
Questions for Zig Forums
Gnomes are real
Tfw the gym milf arrives to the gym just as you pack up and leave...
Lifting is not going to make you any more socially confident than you already are or magically make you more...
Can you interpret other people's facial expressions well? Take the quiz, post your score
Cute girl goes in to hug me
/c/ - Calisthenics general
Do starting strength, it'll help
Skinnyfat bulking progress pics for inspiration
Thoughts on running for fat lost?
User why aren't you 6'2" yet?
Is this the absolute best cardio?
Rebeka Koha
Planet Fitness to require members and guests to wear masks in clubs at all times
This is why i lift
Fit Comics Thread?
How do i defeat the snooze monster? I today snoozed for 20 mins, my blanket over my right shoulder and hugging my pillow
That guy who primarily trains the low bar back squat and wide grip...
Yfw you do first rep of first set of first lift and know today is going to be shit
I really hate niggers, probably more than anyone alive. sorry but you needed to hear it
How to achieve this body type
How my quads looking Zig Forums
Humor thread
You do eat organ meat, right?
Is S.O.Y.-LENT the ultimate Zig Forums meal?
Unironically is this achievable natty
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
I didn't want to do it.. they made me do it
He still doesn't own wooden rings
Do you dance, Zig Forums?
There’s a mother daughter duo that goes to my gym and the mom is only 16 years older than her...
I just want to fuck a muscle girl in the ass and nuzzle my face on her traps and lick her spinal Erectors Bros
You vs Your Dad
I wish to be better
Does anyone have this on the side of their fingers? Its called dyshidrotic eczema...
CBT - Standard Edition
Who here /Loser/?
The image that exposed Zig Forums
What the fuck is the “chubby fucker slurpee?”
What you bois eating tonight?
Which meat is the best protein source?
What's Zig Forums thoughts on soup?
Carnivore diet to lose 45 lbs
Reasons why you lift
Mire Thread
ITT people that got fat over time so that you can watch their decline over the years
Ask away
Which one will die first? Trips decides
Why are women so weak and powerless?
High Test Thread
/fat/ - within temptation edition
User why don't you have abs yet?
What makes you so unloveable?
I want to start. What am I in for?
This is why I lift
Can I get an actual non meme filled answer, what are the pros and cons of smoking weed on a regular basis?
Do you maybe have a instagram or something, user?
Where do you guys get your food? For me, it's Aldis
If I eat 4000 calories one day and 2000 the next is this the same as eating 3000 both days?
Thoughts on these? Anyone have experience with them? How are they for gainz, losing fat, etc ?
What’s the point in lifting if you are going to look FAT?
Thinking about adding tinder gold to my supplement stack. will it increase my chances of finding women?
Lads give it to me straight. None of us are really going to make it, are we?
ITT: Ideals
Anyone else doing Grimes' 360 routine? I've just booked my swordfighting classes...
Non-generic advice please
Facial fitness general
Who do you lift for Zig Forums? i lift for her
What is this bodytype called bros?
Finally got a gf, but she sends me txts like these
ITT: GOAT unconventional lifts
Take the sardinepill
What is the best flavor?
Want to quit porn?
ITT: high test games
Manlets ain't shi
Is mewing legit?
Fitness blackpills
I want a monk gf to meditate and lift with me
Ask gf to start doing more squats in her workout
/plg/ Powerlifting General
/run/ - running general
Women don't care about strengt-
Being fit on tinder
Britbongs: Oi, you Americans are so far, ye know? Haha fat borgers
Bros im 28 (29 in a few months) never really worked out so just an absolutely average build...
Self-improvement general
You have 1 year to fix DoubleSwee
How to achieve this change? Is it even possible?
What are some good Zig Forums related snacks?
Ultimate abs
Cycling general
Do wheyfus like Zig Forums guys? Or are they all lesbians?
How do I attain Patrick Bateman’s physique?
How do you track your lifts? Is there an app that I can enter my routine into and chart my weekly lifts?
How to be thin without suffering
How do I stop masturbating for good?
Why is the media promoting obesity?
What's the ideal physique for a soldier?
Athlean-x Week 1
Hey bro I see what you’re doing with this lifting thing, but she’s not coming back
I hope mods don't delete this it's closely related...
/fph/ - fat people hate
Where do i find chinese gf?
Gym music
Veganism and farting
How do I add muscle to my GF's body
Achievable natty?
Does anyone IRL have a nose connected to forehead in a stright line like this? Looks aesthetic...
Are eggs good for you?
Why is it so hard to abstain from negative things?
ITT Underrated exercises that can make you big as fuck
Became Zig Forums
If you become Zig Forums, do you become top 20%
What is his name again?
Antidepressants/SSRIs/PTSD meds
/BBG/ - Bodybuilding General
ITT: Zig Forums fits
Hi, femanon here
Do boomers actually drink this shit?
That's me fucked isn't it?
Minox, fin & dermarolling. 3 months progress
Why haven't you taken the wrestle pill?
What's the next step to transform from 2 to 3
Post em
Inspiration through cringe
Post facial bone structure. I don’t think I got a horrible roll, not a super weak chin either...
Potential means something about to about 18
Current gf's ex wants to beat me up
Facial Aesthetics Inspo
If lifting was a religion, who would be the god? Pic is my choice
Any way to stop having chubby cheeks?
Got this knee wound exactly a decade it still didn't healed up completely
I live in a building with pic related. Is sprinting up 10 flights enough cardio?
/no shower general/
Checkmate meat fags. Vegan diets are capable being healthy AND lean without killing harmless animals...
THE ULTIMATE FINAL DIET GUIDE!!! (unknown secrets within)
Can I get a gf if I beat up a girl's bf? Everytime I walk past a beta and his gf...
Eating healthy is a privilege of the middle class...
Could have have survived if he was Zig Forums or had a more muscular neck?
Why is fat loss so hard?
What’s the ideal age for a Kid to start LIFTING?
Dude how the fuck are mongolians so fucking beefy...
Got rejected by the 3 girls I asked out this week
And you thought collagen was fag shit
What benchmarks does one need to hit before he can be considered to have returned to monkey?
Workout shorts
Anyone else unsubbed from Athlean-X after he got caught using fake weights?
Was the the asshole Zig Forums?
How many pounds of muscle do I need at 5’11 to look threatening
I'm here to have big tits and to remind you we're all gonna make it, and oops! Looks like I'm all out of big tits!
Need bulking advice
*enters the gym*
Recipe thread
Is being heavy an extreme meme?
What's Zig Forumss favorite DOMS? Lat soreness just feels incredibly satisfying to me
Boogie will lose the wei-
Some girl online was fetishizing me as a daddy-dom guy for a while and I think it awakened something in me...
I lift for the future of the white race
Is viagra good for gains?
Is a bulk and cut cycle essential?
This kid simped his facial aesthetics away protecting his sister from a dog...
Graduated uni last may
How to get a qt trap feminine body?
What would you tell your past self, user?
Is GG Allin /ourguy/? His life philosophy was that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...
Decline bench
Have you ever experienced a slump? If so, how did you bounce back?
Rebeka Koha, a promising Latvian olympic weightlifter has just converted to Islam
I really need help
/fast/ing to experience semi-gay moments
Thinning hair in my early 20's
2 years of lifting and this is all I have to show for it. Wtf am I doing wrong?
What women don’t want vs what women actually want
What do women mire most about your physique?
I want to be huge
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Trying to quit weed again
What's different about you mentally when you got Zig Forums that wasn't there before?
Veganism and testosterone
Post your ideal physique in this thread
/fat/ smug edition
Are neck gains a meme?
Zig Forums-approved sauces?
Raw vegan is the ultimate muscle building diet
- How heavy are your dumbbells?
Kryptonite thread
How would you react if your gf got really into powerlifting and got stronger than you?
Tfw gym opened a no tattoo policy
Greetings from Finland!
FPL - fat person love
38 years old
Pewdiepie mogs u yet again
I'm 35, I don't pop boners without stimulation. I tried no fap for like a week, I didn't get hard, I was depressed...
How do i get a high test alpha warrior Greek god physique like Dan Bilzerian?
How is speed related to strength?
Lower pec definition
Wait wait wait... you fucking retards aren't seriously still doing CICO and eating carbs, right?
Gorillas are overhyped, they're dyel manlets irl
Itt: Zig Forums approved mutations
Do I look like I lift ?
What’s Zig Forums‘s opinion on pork as a muscle builder...
Just a reminder, fat bros
Tfw 6' manlet
Zig Forums is just a trap by twinks and mtfs to turn straight men into chadfags
How can I ever get objective information about nutrition
What do you THINK when you are lifting? Are you
Got banned from my local gym fellas
/MOOOVE/ general
Use books in a backpack for weights at homegym
Why is it legal for parents to have obese children?
Are you Zig Forums enough for pic related?
Can I do front squats instead of back squats?
Infinitely mogs you
Lifting is not going to make you anymore socially confident than you already are or magically make you more interesting
Fitness Youtubers
ITT: Weird and rare body types
Anybody else make it and become Chad but still have Vidya playing, cooming habits that you haven't kicked?
What's better for cardiovascular health...
Reverse progress thread?
How do you keep consistency?
According to Zig Forums, men shorter than 6 feet who don't have supermodel tier faces, are balding...
/BBG/ - Bodybuilding General
Why is coffee so bad?
Post easy and quick recipes
Obesity rate in America has passed 40%
Mongol Core
Wanna cook something tasty
Bear mode?
>>>If you can't get laid when you're skinny, you still won't get laid if you're Zig Forums<<<<<< Is this true?
That's just the way it is. Think about it before going to the gym
Whats your vice Zig Forums ?
Wake up
Ab training general
Relentlessly handsome fit men dating ugly women
Why does /fit always flip flop on this guy?????
Do i have high test if i exclusively coom to huge black asses?
Wtf being high test is bad?
How do I gain 5-10kg when I can't go to the gym and all I have is an exercise? How much should I eat...
What mode is this?
Are you really lifting if your calves dont look lile this?
Why do a lot of anons here dislike gym bros who lift for aesthetics?
How to approach gym girls?
Digits tell how many push ups you have to do right now
Women hate thread
Is the sumo deadlift cheating?
Tax sugary drinks and snacks
Based or cringe?
/CFF/ - Cooking for fitizens
Do i have good eye area, bros ?
Learning to fight
Goes to same gym for 2 years
Destroy the concept that constant pain = gain
If this ain't some tru sh*t on God
Mewing, chewing gum, and doing jaw exercises don't actually improve your chin and jawlin-
Can you reach 2/3/4/5 natty? How long would it take?
Gyms reopen
Women are gonna be so useless as soon as we get robotic realistic sex dolls
What Roman Princeps (Emperor For you plebs) look the most Chad for you ?
Side raises
Female to Male Reverse Trap
Fem user here, do squats actually work to get a better ass?
Gay friend says I'm "making his gaydar bleep"
Jump rope
Am I mentally ill if I'm only attracted to 2D women...
Was concerningly skinny throughout my entire adolescence
What do normies consider a good body?
From boy to MAN /nofap/
Height Genetics
How can I tell if someone has good genetics other than being tall and having a pretty face?
Is he the only natty fitness personality?
Just lift bro
How do we reform this nation of fatties?
That guy thread
How bad is 5'11" aesthetically? should i get leg lengthening surgery?
Pathetic low-test beta thread
Why is it better to add weight each set instead of one weight all sets?
Fuck cooking
Best lifts for sex ?
What routine are you currently running and what are your current goals?
The image that killed Zig Forums
Is there any point in testing ones one rep max?
Wheyfu thread
How do you faggots fuck Zoomer girls ?
/FPH/ - 4 sets of 10 reps table pushbacks
High test thread
The Salt
Why do you still browse Zig Forums? What do you seek from it?
Rate my gf, Zig Forums
What should I eat daily to bulk up...
/wph/-weak people hate
Have plenty of evidence to suggest people consider me above average-to-good looking that goes way beyond 'm-my mum...
Help me survive Zig Forums
Whats the best type of water to drink? Spring or purified?
Goal body
Self Improvement Thread
You wake up one morning and you now look like this
Petre Kako Mshvenieradze a Soviet water polo player of Georgian descent
Imagine fasting for 40 days, losing your mind and still being in the top 1% of males...
Tell me your sins user
Post home gym
This is the type of woman you need to impregnate to get a Chad son
What does Zig Forums think of weed? i read a few studies that it in fact increases testosterone
Why is it so fucking hard to eat 3000 cals? I wish I was 5'5
/fat/ sadness edition
5’11 is the best height
What the fuck is up with tinder recently...
What's your chest routine Zig Forums?
Does anyone on Zig Forums actually look good?
Mom keeps turning the AC off at night
Why haven't you taken the movement pill?
Is this achievable natty?
Incels, what's your excuse?
Why is powerlifting so gay?
Losing weight
Based Boris
What's the absolute best ab routine and how many days a week should I train abs?
Is coffee good for you?
What types of lifts should I do to prepare for an electrician career?
Is this fit or fat?
Ive always training high volume and never trained heavy...
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Geoffrey Nippardson:
/C/ - Calisthenics general
This is why I lift
He may be retarded in some aspects but you cannot escape the fact that it's near 100% likely Joe Rogan could kill you...
Play rugby
What are some God Tier supplements?
Will masturbating before my workouts decease my power?
175 ohp
Why should I do deadlifts if I workout to look good?
/wph/ - weak people hate
You are working on improving your posture, right?
Good feels thread
Fit is a white supremacist board. Fuck shitskins...
What bodyfay % is the dude in the pic? how long would it take to achieve natty?
YLYL Zig Forums edition
It's been two weeks since I started changing my life
>Last Rep Face
Can lifting help someone maintain their pretty looks?
How athletic is Zig Forums?
Whats the best type of wife for making chad sons ?
Bicep Thread
Why i lift
People At Your Gym Thread
Post hot gym girl webms
Not a single mention of lifting
The question that brought Zig Forums to its knees
Have you ever been in a fight? how much did your gains help?
What routine will make me look like pic related?
Getting women post covid
I don’t like black people
How often do you see a fit female outside of a gym?
Weekend feels thread
Post home gyms
So now that boogie can deadlift his bodyweight is Zig Forums finally gonna admit that he is slowly but surely improving?
Guess what sport I play based on my physique
Was yo daddy fit?
Hello Zig Forums
Have you developed an appreciation for House music since you started getting fit?
>He doesnt know how to duel
The retarded state of the west is making me more bitter and depressed than i have been in a very long time...
Energy bars
ITT: We are Zig Forums dyel's search history
I'm trying to eat healthier, what's your go-to breakfast to make daily Zig Forums? Extra points if it's cheap...
I need help bros
Is it worth it to take gear?
How do I live with the curse? No girl ever even looks at me...
Play guitar and piano
Would you take his lifting advice?
What is this body type called?
Has any of my bald bros done microscalping
Alright, this is me
It's Friday, post your lifting motivationals
People here who work out 3 days a week, which days?
210 lbs
Sexual Transmutation
ITT: you can chose only 5 or fewer exercises for a full body workout, what are they...
Painting a mural in my home gym to maximize motivation. Post your best...
How many months of lifting is this?
What is the best way to reduce your bodyfat percentage?
This image haunts me
Sexual health
/fat/ stop the blob edition
How the fuck do I mew and get my whole tongue against my palette
To tan or not to tan?
Incels are incels because they are ug
/FPH/ - Fat >People Hate - Consoooomer Edition
Who do you run for Zig Forums?
How was your day
If you can’t work out with a mask on, you’re probably not as strong as you think and need to lower the weight...
What's up with white people doing weird shit like this?
What is the most optimal BMI for fertility for girls and guys respectively?
Has lifting help you with Tinder? For me, no
How do I get thicc?
"thicc" girl goes into rant about body standards being unfair and favoring thin women and that people are beautiful at...
Manlets btfo once again
What’s the best replacement for broccoli to reduce gas/bloat?
Greg Doucette
4 feet 9 inches manlet talking
ITT we laugh at roiders
My goddamn metal stick rusted
The average female weights 177 lbs
Texting guy from the gym
Been taking 5000IU vitamin d3 for the last few days
Anyone else seem to have chronic acne?
What's the best anti-aging diet and vitamin stack?
Can I drink milk instead of water during a cut?
I don't lift FOR girls. I lift to PROTECT them
Becoming/fit without improving your mental health
Music that makes you lift harder
Connor Murphy is a loser
PR Thread
Literally no one wears a mask in my gym. Should I still go there? And what about yours?
Why is society so pro-fat?
/run/ - running general
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine