56672927 Ive found its easier to take larger jumps on deadlift with an all or nothing approach, and pick the top set based on how fast the last warmup moved and how easy it felt. conjugate with a conditioning day
I tried that for warmups up to 545 but it just doesn't feel good.
Andrew Long
your feet are sliding around on that platform, at best it's lost power and at worst it's an accident waiting to happen
Ian James
yeah I just noticed that in the video. Might be time to get some Converse.
Bentley Davis
or just lift in your squat shoes :^) Really think you should spend some time working on the narrow stance and grip, even if it feels weird at first. You are just artificially shortening your arms, and have to be more horizontal on the pull, and your hips will be further from the bar increasing the moment arm. Many disadvantages.