How many pounds of muscle do I need at 5’11 to look threatening

How many pounds of muscle do I need at 5’11 to look threatening

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You're under 6 foot. A child cannot look threatening

all of the pounds


Surely a few extra pounds of muscle makes up for one inch of height

>t. coping lanklet
Go tell that to mike tyson. He’s just a child right so I’m sure you’d have no problem saying that to his face.

Attached: muscular-kid.jpg (401x500, 82.49K)

Right but if that kid had like 30 more pounds of muscles you’d probably be a little scared, right? My question is like where’s that line where your physique crosses from in shape to scary and in shape

If Mike Tyson punches me in the face for calling him a child I’ll be laughably rich

how will you sue him if you're dead from one punch?