Obesity rate in America has passed 40%

Obesity rate in America has passed 40%

"The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity among U.S. adults was 42.4% in 2017–2018. The prevalence was 40.0% among younger adults aged 20–39, 44.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40–59, and 42.8% among older adults aged 60 and over. There were no significant differences in prevalence by age group (Figure 1)."

What the fuck bros

Attached: obesity rates 2020 update.png (963x1718, 1.38M)

The future looks bright, burgers

Attached: 1.png (1280x800, 1.43M)

What caused such a quick rise in the obesity rate?

hmm lets see

>poisoned food
GMOs, additives, preservatives, onions, HFCS, trans fat, Aspartame, MSG, BPA, Coca-Cola, 2% of meat has human DNA in it, etc.
>poisoned water
Fluoride, chlorine, birth control, anti-psychotics, all forms of medication, pathogens, etc.
>poisoned air
Chemtrails (Barium salts, silver iodide, aluminum, cadmium, bacteria, viruses, etc.)
>Poisoned propaganda
Trannies, fags, blacks, promotion of degeneracy, brainwashing young mutts to die for Isra--America, etc.
>poisoned living spaces
OSB, Chromated Copper Arsenic (CCA), formaldehyde, pthalates, PBDEs, SCCPs, asbestos, etc etc. All known to cause cancer. Houses fall apart in 50 years, permanent debt-mortgage slavery, etc.
>poisoned medicine
Medication to treat symptoms, endless side effects, need medication to treat medication symptoms, murder and bribery, cancer and disease naturally cured with frequencies and diet.
>poisoned government
Ran by kikes and freemasons. Open bribery via special interest groups, rigged 2 party elections, distract, intent goal to enslave and destroy you (Toronto protocols, Elder Zion).
>poisoned religion
Christian churches infiltrated in 70s. Turn the cheek and spread the cheeks, worship Israel "God's chosen people!", accept gays, tolerate degeneracy, ignore the Old Testament, etc.
>poisoned architecture
Street by street of box-shaped mass-produced filth, fast food, big box stores, local business owners are fucked over, zoning laws prevent neighborhood communities, etc.
>poisoned technology
Cell phone mind enslavement, electronic addiction, causes cancer, mental disorders via blue light and EMFs, 5G mind enslavement, etc.


It's impressive to me to imagine that half of a country is literally obese, not simply fat, straight up obese.

look all all these THICC ladies getting their exercise in

Attached: 1586052547393.webm (720x404, 2.89M)

seems I thought a board dedicated to stero---I mean fitness would care about half the country being obese

I thought wrong.

I won't mock people exercising. Good for them.

Attached: you will always be an amerimutt.png (499x510, 161.69K)