Obesity rate in America has passed 40%

Obesity rate in America has passed 40%

"The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity among U.S. adults was 42.4% in 2017–2018. The prevalence was 40.0% among younger adults aged 20–39, 44.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40–59, and 42.8% among older adults aged 60 and over. There were no significant differences in prevalence by age group (Figure 1)."

What the fuck bros

Attached: obesity rates 2020 update.png (963x1718, 1.38M)

The future looks bright, burgers

Attached: 1.png (1280x800, 1.43M)

What caused such a quick rise in the obesity rate?

hmm lets see

>poisoned food
GMOs, additives, preservatives, onions, HFCS, trans fat, Aspartame, MSG, BPA, Coca-Cola, 2% of meat has human DNA in it, etc.
>poisoned water
Fluoride, chlorine, birth control, anti-psychotics, all forms of medication, pathogens, etc.
>poisoned air
Chemtrails (Barium salts, silver iodide, aluminum, cadmium, bacteria, viruses, etc.)
>Poisoned propaganda
Trannies, fags, blacks, promotion of degeneracy, brainwashing young mutts to die for Isra--America, etc.
>poisoned living spaces
OSB, Chromated Copper Arsenic (CCA), formaldehyde, pthalates, PBDEs, SCCPs, asbestos, etc etc. All known to cause cancer. Houses fall apart in 50 years, permanent debt-mortgage slavery, etc.
>poisoned medicine
Medication to treat symptoms, endless side effects, need medication to treat medication symptoms, murder and bribery, cancer and disease naturally cured with frequencies and diet.
>poisoned government
Ran by kikes and freemasons. Open bribery via special interest groups, rigged 2 party elections, distract, intent goal to enslave and destroy you (Toronto protocols, Elder Zion).
>poisoned religion
Christian churches infiltrated in 70s. Turn the cheek and spread the cheeks, worship Israel "God's chosen people!", accept gays, tolerate degeneracy, ignore the Old Testament, etc.
>poisoned architecture
Street by street of box-shaped mass-produced filth, fast food, big box stores, local business owners are fucked over, zoning laws prevent neighborhood communities, etc.
>poisoned technology
Cell phone mind enslavement, electronic addiction, causes cancer, mental disorders via blue light and EMFs, 5G mind enslavement, etc.


It's impressive to me to imagine that half of a country is literally obese, not simply fat, straight up obese.

look all all these THICC ladies getting their exercise in

Attached: 1586052547393.webm (720x404, 2.89M)

seems I thought a board dedicated to stero---I mean fitness would care about half the country being obese

I thought wrong.

I won't mock people exercising. Good for them.

Attached: you will always be an amerimutt.png (499x510, 161.69K)

The gyms are closed.

>less than 10 years from now
>every time you respond to an american poster there will be a 50% chance they are obese

Attached: do americans really.png (750x672, 63.07K)


"people are getting fat as hell, I need to work blacks and jews into this somehow"

This but unironically

Which state has the highest percentage of obese people?

Based and completely redpilled
Would have a beer with/10

Niggers are far more likely to be obese than any other group, don't know enough about Jews to loop them in though


I think either MS or WV.

Black's are only 5% more likely than whites to be obese according to the study

What percentage? I'm hoping for an insane number like 70-80%. Don't disappoint me

"Non-Hispanic blacks (49.6%) had the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity, followed by Hispanics (44.8%), non-Hispanic whites (42.2%) and non-Hispanic Asians (17.4%)"


Most people who, in the past, were afraid of becoming obese, were actually afraid of being SHAMED for being obese.
They were afraid of being socially ostracized, rather than the effects of obesity on the body or its capabilities.
With the modern attitude of "acceptance", the risk of being shamed is far lower; therefore obesity rates have naturally risen.
Not to mention the fact that the Information Age allows people with dumb ideas (such as fat acceptance) to congregate and feel social validation, pic related.

Attached: anonymous-id-mz20pofe-on-01-16-17-mon-18-36-57-no-107430086-before-internet-12420765.png (500x535, 89.82K)

Better get rid of them just to be on the safe side

How do the chinks eat nothing but simple carbs and stay so slim? I don't get it man.

> Thought there was an amelioration between 2015 and 2020

20 % is now green

they don't eat dumb ass portions like niggers and whites. They eat normal human being portions.

It's going to be a fucking shitshow if America ever gets into another WW2 scenario

Imagine a legion of soldiers. On fat scooters. Equipped with bulletproof Mtn. Dew and doritos.

Attached: 1595435276379.webm (480x480, 463.31K)

How has Colorado managed to stay thinner than their fatty neighbor states through the years?

Attached: 20149629-A590-41B3-B6C2-6ECD59CBA9AC.png (1200x800, 24.25K)


its the elevation man. The fatties tend to roll down to adjacent states once they get fat enough

Obsessed with what?


Shouldn't really be on the treadmill. They could easily lose 75 lbs from just cico

So you think decent slim Americans aren’t mad at fucking fatties?

We suffer the most from having to live with you obese cunts

have you ever been to a university gym? It'll mostly be full of white 20something year old gym rats and asians of every subdemographic. health and wellness are as intrinsic to asian culture as getting good grades and being good at math n shit.