Come on bros
Best lifts for sex ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bicep curls
Dumbell bench
Overhead Press
Pull ups
>Get big arms
>Get big chest
>Get wide shoulders
>Get a nice v taper
hip thrusts
zercher squats
being lean
not being a cardiolet
how to have sex
how to be good at sex
good mornings for hip/lower back strength
zercher shrugs/carries to pick her up and do some cool shit
cleans/snatches for explosive strength
L-sits and rollouts for core strength
Any form of cardio.
I find my biceps to be pretty tired after sex desu. Pulling strength is important. General strength needed to pick her up and toss her. Chest strength needed to lift her by the hips when shes in top and use her like a large fleshlight.
also check em
That makes the vayaya lose as f
like this user said, the first and second posts have threaded this thread
i might throw in planks or some sort of core exercise where there is more emphasis on endurance rather than total weight moved
why the zerchers
unironically it's all about hitting legs beforehand
boosts chi in reproductive organs
you can feel the extra energy pulsing through your cock (or vag) during sex
why does hitting legs have that effect?
so you can pick her up and fuck her
Glute bridges, with a barbell preferably
like i said - all about chi and energy movement
energy surplus in the base and second chakras improves sexual pleasure
i know from personal experience from years of lifting/working out.
even masturbating feels so much better
just don;t take my advice - try it yourself
Once you get a 600lb hip thrust you can fuck anything that moves.
Yeah bro 600 lbs for 5 reps, extremely functional exercise
Before the gyms closed I did 405lb for 20. Is that functional?
Excellent advise and quality shitposting simultaneously.
Power cleans
it's a great compound movement which hits more muscle groups that probably any other big lift and it doesn't compress the spine the way back squat does. You get great core activation and it is a nice static exercise for your bicep to top it all off
By having sex
>no kettle bell swings
What is a good bodyweight/gymnastic equivalent of weighted hip thrusts? just regular hip thrusts against gravity? glute/ham bridges?
money x 5
Is there any particular reason to do Zerchers instead of regular front squats?
>What is a good bodyweight/gymnastic equivalent of weighted hip thrusts? j
Literaly sex