Reddit manlet demasculated. Girlfriend loses interest

Reddit manlet demasculated. Girlfriend loses interest

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who gives a single fuck about reddit?

The people who think these posts are real lack any type of ability to critically think

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1- Learn how to fight.

2- Carry a piece or a knife in case the enemy is bigger or stronger

3- Death before dishonor

Thats how 5'3 taco cartelfags get so much pussy. It doesn't matter how big you are, it matters how dangerous you are.

This is why you lift and train shit like Boxing, MMA, Kickboxing etc. so this shit doesn't happen to you.

imajjine wasting your time on this meme shit when you could just own a gun

This is why u should learn to box. I'm a legit twink but have won fights because I have boxing experience. srs so many guys don't even know how to throw a punch or fight at all. Tbhh the best option is not to fight but sometimes it's unavoidable

idk those people on that liberal shithole tend to be bottom tier genetics & 90% of the post there can be proven the other 10% is some guy from here farming karma for laughs