Pic Related: it is me a few days ago. 30yrs 195lbs 5'10"
I'm in a constant state of depression and I need to get out of it. This is my story.
Part 1 > Be me, 27 years old. Just returning from overseas after a long time away from the US. > Haven't lived in one place for a long time because military. Get on Bumble and match with a 10/10 Latina. I'm Latino myself. > I apply for a job in a different State. Get it. Latina and I were getting along pretty good so I tell her to come with me. > Get married the day before I leave. She gets there a month later. She's pregnant the month after. > Big shock for all but I decided to make the best of it. Abortion is her first thought. I don't believe in it. > She has baby and we are having a great time. Fights every now and then but overall good. Sex is good. Money is good. Things are hard because no help. > She has baby and wants to go to work asap. She wants day care for a less than a month old baby. I say no. Wait at least 6 months. > She is a worker but has no career. Why put my first baby in day care when we don't have to. She's not a mother first. > She hates the new State because no friends and "trapped" in house all day. She is able to go to gym during and work after I get back. I'm supportive. Just not of putting my recently born son in day care. > Fast forward a few months and we go to her country on vacation. All her family is there. She's there for two months and I visit in between for three weeks. > Her family is awesome. They love me. I find weird search on her phone. > Get back to the US and look up her search. It is a site for sugars.
> Make a fake Sugar Daddy profile and see her profile there. I want to puke. I want to rage. I want to punch things. Her pictures, in our apartment, with baby treats in the background. > I didn't confront her. She still had two weeks left in her trip. > I try to find explanation but I can't. She had told me she was signing up for "online classes" in her country. Only she needed to take final exam in person every four months. > I conclude she was going to date Sugar Daddies in her country and make money on the side. Wtf!? > File for divorce. Make plans to move back to original State since my mom is there. She gets back and drops son off with my mom. Gets to new State and have her help me clean apartment we were living in. She's served the day after. > Laugh.jpg from her. "user, if you wanted a divorce, why go through all this trouble?" > She reads the papers. Gets to the "prostitute" part and me wanting full custody. Freaks out and starts calling bullshit. I'm a list. I'm not a "man" for not confronting her. > The following months were terrible. Had to wait 6 months to refile divorce because we were no longer living in first State. > During these 6 months, I found out that during the two years we were married and living together she had been creating multiple Sugar Baby profiles and testing the waters. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to be a whore. > She creates a new profile in the new State we are living in in American sugar baby site. I make a new fake profile. > Match with her. Talk to her. Arrange meet up and an allowance of $1500 monthly for twice a week encounters. Potential for more money if she can meet more. > She texts my real numbers saying things like "my business will soon be taking off, I'll have more time to spend with my son". She gets to the place to meet with fake Sugar Daddy. Snap pictures and not mention it. She then texts my real number "it's a prank , I knew it was you all along".
Jason Hall
didn't read and saged lol
Austin Morales
Part 3 > Finally able to file for divorce in new State. She has been begging every other month to get back together. I can't. I finally confront her and show her proof. She claims she doesn't remember making profiles. She claims she was pranking me with new one. She claims she was just curious about what happens on those sites. > I'm afraid of divorce. Don't want to lose custody or pay her. I try to keep her calm and we end up fucking during last month of arrangements. We go to therapy. Therapist says she's a "strong independent woman", I'm lucky to have her. > My gut says "she's trash" and "don't trust her". I'm lonely and want family for my son. I tell her that divorce is happening but if she wants to try, she needs to be patient. > She lasts a week and then tells me that if I don't show her love, she can't do it. That's it. I say okay and try to move on. > Divorce is final and a month later, she is at my door. Begging to come back. This is a month after COVID. I say no. She wants to do therapy and make up for what happened. I say no. She's furious she's rejected for the first time in her life. > A few weeks after, a random like on my social media. It's an older man and then takes the like off. Do some research, it is the owner of a house she used to visit when I had a private investigator to get proof she was a whore. She used to go to this house late at night. Her current Sugar Daddy > He's 50 and net worth of a few million. Don't know allowance but whatever. > She's now dating a Jew she met in dating site. She probably still has sugar daddy on the side. Even as I'm writing all this, it's still hard for me to move on with life.
I'm constantly thinking about this. Even though I have many positive things going (majority custody, high paying stable job, finishing post grad, handsome face) it has been really hard to start a social circle in this new city and get busy and fuck multiple women. I'm constantly in a down state. Wtf do I do?
>She claims she doesn't remember making profiles >She claims she doesn't remember making profiles >Therapist says she's a "strong independent woman" >She's furious she's rejected for the first time in her life. >Considered Abortion >my business Fucking hell, its a good thing that you got rid of her sooner than later. Considering how court can fuck you hard in these scenario would say you got out on top.
stfu nigger
David Campbell
Asher Ramirez
OK bro but why do you feel the need to post this on a fitness forum?