Fellow manlets, how are you doing?
Are you coping or are things fine?
/manlet/ general
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5'7 here
Just got my dick sucked last night and I made 600$ on stocks today. This week is pretty based.
>tfw manlet, black AND average small dick
Did I lose the genetic lottery big time?
I’m pretty comfy, talking to an 8/10 latina and making good gains.
I love being manlet. Only ones that are really coping are lankets and it shows
Question for you guys. What is the talliest girl you would date?
165cm here, since I escaped auschwitz mode and got fit, I don't really mind anymore. I get compliments from time and everything is fine.
Genetic lottery yes but you can still try applying yourself on some affirmative action stuff
I would date a giantess with no issue
I want tall kids & the mother's genes matter most
I don't care if people look at me funny, I'd walk around with a girl two heads taller than me