are SARM's worth it?
Are SARM's worth it?
There's no evidence they work, and the shit you can buy on the black market are 90% of the time mixed with anabolic steroids on dosages you don't know
that's a really general question that relies on a lot of specific factors. You really should read up on sarms as much as you can first.
No. Either center your life around lifting and pin or never use PEDs. It's that simple.
And since you are asking Zig Forums the answer is definitely don't. Do not let an image board induce in you the need to do PEDs.
select sarms I think has their shit lab tested apparently
Don’t listen to these dweebs. They obviously don’t what they’re talking about if they thinking buying SARMS involves using the Dark Web fucking LOL. Do a 4 week cycle of RAD-140, thank me later
Trenavar & Trestolone seems like the only ones that would work
I'm on week six on my first LGD cycle (5mg).
Yep this stuff definitely works. Broke my plateaus.
what sort of side effects have you experienced?