Post facial bone structure. I don’t think I got a horrible roll, not a super weak chin either...

Post facial bone structure. I don’t think I got a horrible roll, not a super weak chin either. Gonna start doing some jaw exercises soon.

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this isn't a looksmaxx forum.

Whats my hope to have a greatline/cheekbone/chin if im obese right now and i want to go down to 10 %

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how am i

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Bro you look perfectly fine, don't beat yourself up over it. Stay lean, stay mean and stop reading lookism shit. You're fine. You don't look like a loser. Be the best version of yourself.

bro that's some bad balding case incoming

I appreciate it bro. Thank you for looking out so I can be my best me.

rly? dont care tho

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I mean odds are you do start to bald? This isn’t a drastic case though. I’d disregard anons “drastic balding” comment, you’re chilling

Seeing all these kids fall for this garbage makes me want to strangle all of the looksmax incels to death

Mewing is a meme, just suck cock 5 times a day. Remember to say no homo and explain you're doing it for the jaw gains.

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i think its just because im curly haired, heres me with shorter hair before my hair begins to curl

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I don't think so, its diffuse and not concentrated in the male pattern spots. It looks like the uneven distribution of wiry hair

>those noses
Are you guys also anglos genetically?

im balkan

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I'm a nosebreather FYI. I also chew gum and had an eastern European diet growing up.

Redpill me on chewing gum, how much time?

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whats an eastern european diet? meat and garlic?

Barley and potatoes and pork

>good jawline
>fat cheeks

fucking christ

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Buckwheat, borscht, potatoes, boiled meat, pierog, kefir, tvarog, blini, lots of garlic

so good looking you gave me depression

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yup Balkan + italian

>t. 30% bf

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Favorable lighting. I'm still insecure about my looks.

Nice lighting angle retard

Now I can masturbate

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