What's the ideal physique for a soldier?

What's the ideal physique for a soldier?

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Ottermode but slightly fatter and less than average height.

This. You cant be too heavy and eat double the rations for your "gains"

The lowest healthiest weight you can be.
It means less calories to maintain TDEE.
Also, endurance is a must so good cardio.

>less than average height.
this is why oddjob was always so effective, small hit box

The physique that can be obtained with a 3x180lb trap bar deadlift

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pic related

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The biggest boobs possible. For distraction reasons

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optimally they should look like this

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that and his propensity for gang raping a woman and killing his cell mate

What the fuck is that rank?

Yes you can and they carry more weight than ever so it would be a good idea.

Being short and lean. Why short you ask? Because we have a smaller hitbox and nothing to live for so we just don't care about death,

not these guys that's for sure

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Doomguy looks like THAT?!

I would say being short and lean, with a good emphasis on cardio; you wouldn't go very far being all bulk with no mobility. Aside from that, I think it's just how scrappy you are.

The Wehrmacht were a bunch of DYEL calistheniccs fags, probably would've creamed themselves over Overcoming Gravity

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The heaviest you can be while still running a 9:30 1.5 mile and rucking 20.

Wehrmacht were a bunch of Pervitine fags

Its private

ideal weapon and physique, prove me wrong.
pro tip: you cant

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You can literally eat as much as you want in the US militarily when the chow hall is open.idk about yurop tho.

And be gassed after a mile carrying it

Name 1 reason why you haven't joined the army and gotten ripped.

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You get skinnyfat in the army

Wehrmacht were the greatest fighting force in history. I'm switching to callisthenics.

Yeah the bare minimum is the optimal physique.

You need to be big enough to carry all your kit and athletic enough to run with it for 10 miles and tab with it as long as necessary without ever getting tired.

>be in army
>get $300 a month taken from my check for dfac
>go to dfac
>ask for more than two pieces of bacon for breakfast
>can't do that

>be in the field
>barely have enough MRE's as it is

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