What does Zig Forums is the most attractive muscle to women is?

what does Zig Forums is the most attractive muscle to women is?

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Adonis belt

Not a muscle

Your heart :^)

Havn't studies shown that women are most attracted to asses?

Aww ^^

i thought it was big peen

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Any muscle used to open your wallet

arms, ass and shoulders

deltoideus, trapezius, pectoralis, biceps, triceps

Did you have a stroke while writing that?

the wiener muscle

delts ass

Don't be silly user bigus dickus is a myth that roasties search for like rednecks and Bigfoot

Wait, no! I thought about it for 2 seconds. Its the wallet muscle.

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Lol@all the powershitters trying to cope and justify their squatting leg day niggerdy, no woman likes ass/legs it's all upper body. Shoulders is #1 I reckon

He looks like an evil anime villain.

Out of all the tripfags ive seen, i genuinely think youre the unfunniest. Like the type whod reply to this with "who asked" you know

Who asked nigga

The foreskin muscle


Why are you so gay
Stop obessing with those effminate faggots

Women care about pecs and shoulders the same way we care about tits and ass

what women think:
bicep/arms, obvious and visible.

what women are subconsciously drawn to:
upper back/wings. I triangular torso with broad shoulders is the primary attractor.

See this is what i mean, you actually think youre funny because you replied with the same thing i essentially asked you to. 0 creativity


A brick doesn't build a house user, everything needs to compliment each other.

According to some study where they shoved an arousal detector up their pussies: quads.

women don't know what they want for pretty much everything in life. Stop caring what women think

>what does Zig Forums is the most attractive muscle to women is?

ottermode, tallish (185-190cm), low bf% (10% or less), good skin, good hair, good teeth, well dressed.

Glutes for the brutes