How bad is it to take this stuff recreationally? It gives me a god complex and I love it
Adderall & Amphetamines
I haven't noticed anything but a runny nose on some days
it's bad for bulking though
about the same as molly
Yeah it’s top tier for social/partying. Like you don’t even need other drugs or alcohol and you’ll be/feel like the shit. Just acting that way with the confidence it gives you makes normies buy into your frame of mind and follow you as if it’s true. Pretty fun
yeah it is nowhere near as bad as molly
Some say it's bad for your heart if you take it everyday but I mean the same people who say that also give it to 10 year olds daily so maybe its different for those with (((adhd))) but idk, if you stay at a reasonable dose and don't use it everyday and are healthy and especially NOT use it to workout then I think you're fine mate tbqhwu
Whats the reality? Also checked. Is adhd just an excuse for kids to be shitty and the parent to never discipline them properly?
I think some kids may genuinely have some genetic problem that causes difficulty concentrating and high activity, but those are a small minority and adhd is diagnozed way too quickly these days. Most of those today who "have adhd" are just regular boys who hate sitting still at a school bench for 6 hours every day and giving them drugs should be the last resort, not the first
>genetic problem that causes difficulty concentrating and high activity,
>Blaming the kids and not postmodern living.
if it makes you feel good and you arent noticing any side effects then go off, though its pretty fucking easy to get a dependency on it.
i used to take it recreacionally after lying for a prescription and it fucked me so bad gains wise, couldn't sleep, hardly ate and was constantly paranoid but my mind was on cloud 9 and made me really fucking philosophical