How do I progress to be able to do 10 pull-ups?
I can only do 4, barely.
How do I progress to be able to do 10 pull-ups?
idk, just keep trying to increase your reps every day. that's pretty much how i made it
fighter pullup program
Do full range pull ups to see progression, not your shitty half reps you do.
More volume and lose bodyfat
came here to post this. no bullshit i went from 4 to 10 in a short amount of time. in fact my volume went up TOO high and im still recovering from tennis elbow from going from basically 0 to sets of 7, 8 at a time.
Keep doing 4.
When you can do 5, do 5.
And on.
Also, do 3. No, listen to me. Do 3. Then rest. Then do 2.
Congrats, you did 5.
Get it? You can up the volume without pushing individual sets closer and closer to total failure.
When you get really stuck & need to improve assistance. Either pulldowns (bad), or just bands, or jumping up and doing the negative portion.
This. Just keep doing pull-ups and you'll be able to do 10 eventually.
What's your height?
I do my pull-ups with supreme form