>What is fasting?
A period of time where you consume ZERO calories
>What is the shortest fast?
OMAD One Meal a Day
>What is the longest fast?
You can fast as long as you are over 8% body fat and supplement correctly
>How do I supplement correctly?
Get enough water, sodium, and potassium
>Where do I get sodium and potassium?
Sodium Chloride is table salt. Potassium Chloride is salt substitute, found near the salt in grocery stores
>Can I just take sodium without potassium?
No. This will fuck your shit up. Potassium is non-negotiable
>How much sodium and potassium should I take daily?
2500 mg / 1 TEAspoon of each is a good start. Adjust as needed
>Can I take all the salts at once?
No. You will shit yourself
>What's a good electrolyte drink recipe?
-1 Liter Water
-1/2 TEAspoon Potassium Chloride
-1/2 TEAspoon Baking Soda
-1/4 TEAspoon Salt
Some call this mixture snake juice. Drink 1-3 of these per day
>Can I just drink water without salts?
For short fasts, yes, as long as you get enough minerals on your refeeds. But for long ones (72+hours), you'll feel like shit
>How long can I go on just water?
Til you feel like shit
>Any other minerals I need?
Some add magnesium to their routine, too
>What about multivitamins?
Not really necessary
>Anything else I can add to my routine?
Some add baking soda for kidney health
Some take ACV and lemon juice. Acids fuck your teeth, so don't mix with snake juice. Take separately
If your gut is fucked, try adding cayenne pepper
May raise cortisol
May raise insulin
>Why not just do CICO?
CICO fucks with both your hormone levels and your TDEE in ways that fasting does not. Also, fasting has other health benefits
>What are the other benefits of fasting?
Autophagy, reduced inflammation, HGH boost, immune system health, increased insulin sensitivity, more muscle sparing
>Metabolic slowdown