Bodybuilding General is for all things related to bodybuilding: training, nutrition, recovery, supplementation, posing, competition prep, etc.
If you're going to ask questions, please include the following: >age >height, weight, rough bodyfat estimate >how long you've been training and what your programming looks like >anything else relevant, like gear use or missing limbs
Threadly question: >What's your favorite exercise that doesn't get talked about much?
I like bodybuilders that look really good, dont like bodybuilders who look kinda bad.
Aaron Fisher
>Great exercises that everyone should at least try out Banded front squats Banded pull overs Pullover machine Reverse band hack squat Actually controlling the reps on a calf raise and flexing hard at the top Partial lateral raises Honestly, just adding bands to pretty much any lift TRAIN YOUR REAR DELTS NIGGERS
Jackson Gutierrez
Goodmorning fellas Its fun friday just gonna go to the gym and have a good time play on the cables maybe fuck around on some isolation machines definitely gonna do some dips since they’ve been on my mind Had a metrx bar for breakfast love me some super cookie crunch Thread question, love me some hammer curl to press veins just popping everywhere when i do em gives me a big ol jolly Yesterdays thread was good glad it lasted so long too
Kevin Diaz
>Actually controlling the reps on a calf raise and flexing hard at the top Have you tried them DC style?
Yeah, the general is starting to pick up, which is cool. It's pretty rewarding to make the OP in the morning and see it actually go somewhere.
Julian Adams
Ive gotten some great information from this general so thank you for your service op