Ottermode benefits

>literally the easy physique to get just stop eating and casually exercise
>easy to maintain which means opportunities to focus on other aspects on life
>normies get impressed by anything so you can still have people calling you handsome and a lot more for abs
>mobility issues aren't a worry so it can be used in practical application
>muscle density matters much more to muscle size when it comes to explosive/general strength
Give me reasons where ottermode falls behind

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>>literally the easy physique to get just stop eating and casually exercise
post body then

also you forgot
>facial aesthetics from low body fat

wear a shirt and see for yourself

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Not so easy, eh?

Ottermode is hard to achieve stupid fuccboi, what are you saying.

Because id rather look like a man

Gamerdragon345#9615 aka "muscle constructor" your a sincere dyel faggot and i will delete your server also fuck you bitch tits

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waddup gamedragon