>literally the easy physique to get just stop eating and casually exercise
>easy to maintain which means opportunities to focus on other aspects on life
>normies get impressed by anything so you can still have people calling you handsome and a lot more for abs
>mobility issues aren't a worry so it can be used in practical application
>muscle density matters much more to muscle size when it comes to explosive/general strength
Give me reasons where ottermode falls behind
Ottermode benefits
Jeremiah Rivera
William Ramirez
>>literally the easy physique to get just stop eating and casually exercise
post body then
Bentley Cook
also you forgot
>facial aesthetics from low body fat
Leo Jones
wear a shirt and see for yourself
James Howard
Lincoln White
Not so easy, eh?
Robert Robinson
Ottermode is hard to achieve stupid fuccboi, what are you saying.
Liam Jackson
Because id rather look like a man
Sebastian Reyes
Gamerdragon345#9615 aka "muscle constructor" your a sincere dyel faggot and i will delete your server also fuck you bitch tits
Evan Adams
waddup gamedragon