Natty or not?

Post bodies and decide if they're natty or not

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This is how you spend your Friday/Saturday, remember you are here forever

ez juice, traps extend way the fuck out

anything that looks bigger and leaner than me is not natty, rest is
>inb4 post body

His traps are normal size, you must not hit the shrugs or something

I'm split on this one. He might be juiced, but he also looks like he has good genetics. His wrists are thick like tree trunks. I wouldn't be shocked if he was natty. I'd be calling roids right quick if his wrists looked like mine.

The veins in the arm indicate gear. A true natty won’t be vascular.

post body with timestamp

His traps and shoulders aren't that big and he isn't super lean. I'd say natty


He just has low body fat. His veins don't pop out nearly enough to suggest steroid use.

Are the Muscular Fellas natty or not?

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This is what real nattys look like.

Mikey T?

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You mean Huge Hombres?

you're allowed to believe in things that aren't true. if it helps you cope with life, go for it.
if you intend to post this nonsense in a bunch of threads you better open wide though because there's a bunch of shit coming your way from people who're on that whole reason trip. for some reason they believe in things that are actually true. faggots.

what do you think Zig Forumsizens

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Unironically, yes i know he claims Natty and is a midget but holy fuck he looks big also can bench like 350lbs

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def not natty

ok unironically - is this achievable natty?

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I think this is roids

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