>he's a good looking guy trapped in Zig Forums because of his asocial personality
I would kill for some of you guy's faces. t. Ugly
He's a good looking guy trapped in Zig Forums because of his asocial personality
Yeah, being ugly would suck. Imagine the hooker bill
Realistically though, you're not. Society wouldn't allow it
>well proportioned girl ends up naked and homeless
This is either bullshit or she fucked up royally
I mean she was just lying there butt naked?
I live in SF, there are maybe around ~4 homeless dudes who frequent my neighborhood (yes our city is shit). One time I saw this homeless black lady sleeping on the street who I could see being qt if she cleaned up. Within TWO DAYS I saw some black guy buying her a bunch of free food and by the end of the week she was gone. Meanwhile the dudes have been stuck there for months.
If you roid enough your body can cancel out your ugly face somewhat. An asocial personality on the other hand is basically impossible to fix. If you missed out on key milestones during your teen years there's pretty much no catching up when you hit adulthood.
I would definitely blame women and not your retarded democratic government
Junkie probably, but its still pretty strange.
that's the thing though, she didn't.