Why does everyone here want to look like a bodybuilder rather than a strongman? Strongman body looks so much better.
Why does everyone here want to look like a bodybuilder rather than a strongman? Strongman body looks so much better
>Strongman body looks so much better.
That's your opinion. I respect it, even if it's bullshit
The strongmen types look fat, I'm a lean guy.
shit opinion
>not wanting to look this good
I love how everyone uses this guide as a fitness reference, when originally this picture is actually a snippet of an artist's reference for drawing the human form/anatomy. I remember seeing this like 7 or 8 years ago on deviantart.
Wideness in general makes you stronger so Athletic build generally makes someone automatically someone more Athletic by means of the shoulders but having bulkier hips while making you a bit stronger in the base probably makes you less Agile.
>Reference, Jason Statham, Clint Eastwood, Iggy Pop
Gas whatever demented boomer made this immediately
Not only looks better but sustainable a lot easier. You actually feel powerful and amazing unlike being shredded you feel like fucking ass. And the big guy™ mode is more intimidating IMO
Jesus fuck who laps up this shit, stolen graphics and a nice typefont and you suddenly have propaganda for fridge-mode.
Shut the fuck up
This is used for fatty cope by "powerlifters" who can't bench 2pl8.