Learning to fight is usele-

>learning to fight is usele-

Attached: E333BEF1-8300-4909-8AC2-2D247E65A575.jpg (1221x1861, 493.3K)

>Man cannot defend himself nor family
>Woman now having second thoughts is somehow irrational
Law of the Fucking jungle cuck.
If she became sterile youd have second thoughts too.

Should have just pretended not to have seen the rape like a smart nigga.

>reddit user
>life runs on upvotes
>thank you internet strangers! etc

it's a miracle any woman ever showed interest in this faggot at all

I made this reddit thread for shits and giggles. Heh, it’s one of my finest larps. Give me 7 You’s and I’ll send you proof. I think that’s a fair price





yes it's useless. I'm never going to defend a women getting beat up. She probably deserved it, and even if she didn't it's not worth the risk.
kill yourself.