I'm literally the only one who wears a mask at the gym, which does not enforce masks or distance.
Am I a beta or alpha in this situation? To be honest... i like wearing it because i feel like bane
I'm literally the only one who wears a mask at the gym, which does not enforce masks or distance.
Am I a beta or alpha in this situation? To be honest... i like wearing it because i feel like bane
Beta as fuck. Scared of a little cold? Fucking pussy
>like wearing it because i feel like bane
Are you at least a big guy?
If you don't wash the fuck out of your hands and clothes, you're badly wasting your time
For you
Its alpha to do what you want.
You want to wear your mask whilst other people dont? Alpha.
You dont wear one because nobody else is? Beta.
No, i feel cool in it. Can you read?
Well if you're serious about the question, you carry the virus on clothes, and it gets on your hands from touching the same shit as them. Then you eat something, touch your face etc and you've caught it. It lives for days on steel.
Yeah. Source on any of that?
I can't be bothered looking it up but I seen a lot of data on it back when cvg threads were cool. Just take my word on it bro, hand washing is the most effective measure.
New Zealand eliminated the disease and most people here didn't wear masks, but hand washed like crazy
Idk i think nz was just able to seize control of their borders. I believe hand washing info but clothes? Come on... unless its wet clothes or something.
I change to dry clothes after gym, wash hands, drive home, and shower
iirc surface to surface transmission is mostly bullshit. However, what this has shown is that our leaders and authorities on the matter know sweet fuck all about what's going on, and are scrambling to make it up as they go.
Nah the borders were shut late, the goose was on the loose here. You've probably already been exposed to it a few times.
All I'm really saying is if you're gonna wear a mask you may as well avoid the contact spread too
Alpha. Wearing a mask is inherently a selfless act since masks protect others from you while having minimal effect on your own safety. Being selfless is alpha as hell.
>You've probably already been exposed to it a few times.
user plz dont make me go back to home gym
Put it this way, if we both tried to catch it as fast as possible, you by aerosol transmission and me by contact, I'd win.
But I might not know it since most cases are asymptomatic
I wear a mask and not once has an anti-mask faggot had the stones to come say something about my mask to my face. If I don't know you don't bother me because I'm not interested in your politics bullshit.
You are your own man, fuck what anyone else thinks, but it seems you lack confidence in yourself by asking such a question, OP
Bro, why would they hassle you to take it off?
Seriously, why are westerners such faggots about the masks? We're in special times and need to protect each other, and all we need to do is wear a simple cheap mask and wash our hands regularly. It's not that fucking difficult, and no, Karen, masks do not affect your breathing. You're just being a faggot.
Westener's are naturally non-conformist
>does something not because he is required to or out of consideration for others but simply because he feels like it
That's pretty much the core of alpha.
Made a personal choice without being pressured by those around you or trying to force those around you to your viewpoint. A L P H A
even getting mildly sick = 1-3 weeks no gym = losing gains
Why would they come and argue with you? Who gives a fuck if you have a mask on lmao. The not wear a mask crowd don't want to wear one because it should be their own choice what to wear
People in the US rural areas, particularly the South, are gullible brain-damaged retards. Literally. Half of the kids have fucked neuroplasticity from prenatal exposure to meth, booze, and ciggies. Then they grow up locked behind baby gates in front of the TV, and live in shitty trailer trash homes. Read about "toxic stress". This environment basically makes you into a retarded asshole. They are perpetually poor, and drag down anybody that tries to better themselves. If you can "speak their language", they'll agree with whatever shit you say, no matter how retarded it is, and now matter how incongruent it is with demonstrable fact.
We basically have an army of about 75-100 million people with low IQ, and are literally too retarded for effective self governance.
its not westerners, it's americans. Americans don't want to wear masks because they are the most selfish, gluttonous group of humans to ever exist in history. Americans will never do a single solitary action unless they glean some direct, tangible benefit from said action. Not only this, but they also feel like if they are not 100% in complete control of decision making for their own lives, that their freedoms are being trampled and they must resist in order to not have the evil government take over their lives
Americans refuse to wear masks because they won't be able to directly see with their own eyes any positive effects of mask wearing (they wont be able to see themselves not transmitting the virus more easily) so they won't do it because they gain no direct benefit, and because they are being told to wear a mask, they will intentionally not do it out of spite.
Americans could have scientific evidence that masks would 100% eliminate covid transmissions and the entire country would be fine and economy saved within a few weeks of everyone wearing them, even the very thin paper ones that have no effect on breathing, but if they were forced by the government to wear them, they would still outright refuse, just from spite.
>mildly sick = 1-3 weeks no gym
Ask me how I know you are dyel
>selfish, gluttonous group of humans to ever exist in history
You must be referring to native americans
>if they are not 100% in complete control of decision making for their own lives, that their freedoms are being trampled and they must resist in order to not have the evil government take over their lives
What is your stance on legalisation of heroin? That's another thing the government says you can't do
Or what about seatbelts? Workplace safety laws? Borders?
you're a good goy
I'm a boot
Goys sell products
I just love authoritarian states