I have the ultimate monke routine
>Gorilla walks
>Pull ups and rock climbing or tree climbing
>Medicine ball slams to the ground from above head
>Monkey rows
>Over head press
Other fun monke activities:
>Throw things like an ape, you can use shit
>Monke Scream or gorilla grunt
>After eating some meat grab the bone and eat It or atleast chew it
/monke/ thread
Other urls found in this thread:
The other exercises you already know then i hope
More rules:
>Can't shave body hair
>If you are gonna sit do It like a monkey
>Scratch your female back
>Talk only if is neccesary
Unironcially why are people obsessed with the whole Embrace Monke thing?
I don't even know why i like It myself but i have great fun on this monke journey
Every monke should want a physique like this
If you can't put on that amount of muscle you can aim for this
Because the modern world gets mundane at times and it's fun to think about being monke
Consciousness sucks and returning to being organic robots sounds like fun, not having to worry about chads incels coomers doomers trads betas etc. sounds like the best possible existence.
Just be a monke bro
>click first link
>don't know what it is
>chimpanzee free for all
That was an amazing laugh I just had, best part is
I was shitting while watching it and as I was wiping my ass I accidentally threw some shit on the floor (don't ask how) Mom came minutes later to ask wth happened.
I am now monke.
If you really think most humans aren’t organic robots acting on base impulses you haven’t left your moms basement
I meant for myself user, I'm too aware for my own good. I just want to be a monke having fun all day and swinging from branches.
Same :'(
We’ve divurged from le monk a billion years ago
Accept that you’re a pile of shit and each second you waste with retarded fantasied is another gene of yours decaying
Get outside and live the human game on a daily basis
relax and eat a fruit friend, we're all monkes here :)
Glad you liked It
When he grabs the stick is the best
hmmm.... I've never done this. looks weird
Don't worrry is good for your shoulders
Is like a good versión of the uprigth row
Looks like a good thing to incorporate into my dummbell routine. Thanks
You are welcome monke
Retards. Our last common ancestor was 6 million years ago. You should be emulating the ideal homosapien body not the descendants of our great grandmother 6 million years ago.
We wuz monke
Just calm down and embrace monke
Look at this nerd trying to explain science to monke.
Holy fucking shit
Did you just create homo sapiens mode?