Tans are shilled. But also sunscreen is shilled

So what is it? Nice tan or sunscreening to prevent shitty aging/skin damage?

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doesn't it feel good being able to change the tone of your skin on a whim? (unlike those other "people")

South Asians can tan and the only reason they notice is cause of colourism amongst themselves

if you have enough melanin in your skin that you dont burn in like 5 minutes of sun exposure then enjoy the sun for a bit
if youre going to be oppressed by the sun for like over 3 hours straight maybe its wise to to put on some sunscreen
i think that its silly to just slap on sunscreen all the time just because youre going to be outside and i feel like having some sun exposure is healthy for you aslong as youre not being cooked by the sun

I tan nicely but I always get new moles from being in the Sun, so it puts me off sunbathing.

Hm, this seems sensible g. I guess you can also feel when it's good or bad for you two. Know what I mean? You can *feel* when the sun is tanning you vs. burning you and you need shade

The only question is do you want to look hot young or young old?

Do you not understand that sunscreen still lets you tan. You just don’t get the UV damage that goes along with it.

are you guys retarded? sunscreen is up there with shampoo for biggest health/hygiene marketing memes

just dont immediately tanning 5 hours a day if you havent been for the past 20 years

Tanning gradually to avoid sunburn and good nutrition in order for the skin to be resistant to damage. Especially eating carotenoids.