Ugh, user, you're such an asshole now. I liked you better when you were the funny fat guy

>Ugh, user, you're such an asshole now. I liked you better when you were the funny fat guy.

Zig Forums btfo?

Attached: 1596396862421.jpg (717x540, 98.41K)

>responding with anything other than: ok fuck off

Shoo shoo tranny

My personality hasn't changed, you just can't use me to feel better about yourself anymore

>I'm not looking for people to like me, I'm looking for people to FEAR me
>*unsheathes katana*

>user your being physically fit now makes me feel guilty that I don't have the personal discipline to at least not be fat anymore, and your being around me triggers that, so I'd prefer you go back to being fat and weak so I don't FEEL bad anymore, or just go away so I don't have to see you and realize what a failure I am
aka 'crabs in a bucket mentality'

>dude, quit being such a tryhard


>I'm looking for people to FEAR me
cope cope cope cope cope

based fpbp

haters gonna hate