Get sunlight

>get sunlight
>vitamin D
>high test
>ages skin

>don't get sunlight
>young skin
>low vitamin D
>low test

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Live in the dark, pin test, and supplement vitamin D

don’t get sunlight
take vitamin D in pill form
pin high test
young skin

I just about yanked the tiger and busted one boyos, but I prevailed and walked away with my seeds still swimming inside me. Pray for me bros.

your ancestors spent most of their lives outside in the sun

Just sunbathe behind a sheet of glass so uv rays don't get you.

different world now dude, youthmaxx is priority

Your ancestors also shit in holes and wiped their ass with their hands. Does that mean you should do the same?

then you don't get vitamin D

Huh, I didn't realise that uv light was actually what makes vitamin d. The more you know.