Zig Forums approved SNACKS

Looking for good suggestions for a quick break at work.
Ideally it would be:
Low Calorie
Doesn't need to be refrigerated
Already prepackaged

BUT willing to make sacrifices. What do you got for me bros?

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can of tuna
ur moms cooch lol

Literally beef jerky

oreos, double stuff
domnios cookie brownie

skyr and defrosted frozen blueberries (what i keep in the frige at my work)

This is what people who use anime avatars look like.

baby carrots

they tick off all your boxes

40 grams of rains. It's pure sugar, but it's tasty and actually satiating.

I am a gardner and few things in life are as nice as deciding you'd like an after dinner snack and going out to pick a couple cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden

Based bloatlord

i heard baby carrots aren't all that?
whats the true verdict?

>low calorie


Just eat pork rinds and hummus, calories are good.


I'm trying to achieve ottermode

Beef jerky. But make your own, the store bought stuff is over priced and garbage ingredients.

>Wait until inside round, outside round or similar beef roast goes on sale.
>Remove from package and place on a plate.
>Semi freeze the meat until it’s harder but not frozen solid.
>Slice the meat in about 1/4” slices. Thicker than you think, it’s going to shrink in size a lot!
>You really need a meat slicer for this step, but if you’ve got incredible knife skills you could use a sharp knife.
>take the slices and dip into a bowl of Tamari or other high quality onions sauce.
>Stack the slices into a container as you go.
>pour left over tamari in bowl over stack.
>cover and refrigerate 24 hours
>place slices on wire racks in front of industrial fan
>turn fan on high and let dry overnight, or longer until desired texture is reached.
>store jerky in ziplock bag in fridge for freshest and longest lifetime.

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dominos cookies

>ur moms cooch lol

You already said a can of tuna haha

what exactly did you hear?

greek yogurt

You can do it! Believe in yourself bro!

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some shit bout its high in sugar or some shit
i used to eat em but after i read that shit a few days ago on this board i stopped.

whats truly the verdict Zig Forums

>Low Calorie
>At work
its like you don't want to have energy to work
also almonds

It’s carrots...

>that seating and monitor position
he'll fuck his neck/back

This looks pretty tasty actually

I have energy, I just get little annoying pangs

That's an admirable aesthetic goal, but I contend that the way to ottermode is through rigorous full body workouts and competitive sports rather than caloric restriction. I hope you find success and get lots of pussy.

Based retarded user

Thanks bro. I am doing full body workouts, and I'm still getting about 2000 calories a day which is my deficit

Based and weatherpilled

These are pretty badass

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Perhaps you will indeed gonna make it.