The webm that destroyed Zig Forums

>the webm that destroyed Zig Forums

Attached: mogged.webm (720x720, 1.24M)

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>me second from the right

Attached: 31252512515.jpg (500x137, 8.24K)

I'm the laughingnegro.mp4 in the middle. That's me.

based fat sumo British bitch

posting more Sumo

Attached: Aoiyama v Terutsuyoshi.webm (800x450, 2.8M)

He's obviously being the bigger man and not retaliating. And it takes a lot to be bigger than that

>sucker punches a literal teenage girl 10 times and her lights still aren't out
He's a fucking pussy dude.

Based chimp out

Either he can't punch or the teen girl can seriously take one

denim jacket girl is the real champ in this video