Hello, Zig Forums. How do I treat my phimosis? I want to be able to pull back my foreskin all the way back, and not have a dick that's hyper-sensitive. I would rather avoid going to the doctor for an operation unless there is no option.
I have a girlfriend now and not being able to pull back my foreskin sucks. The times when my foreskin does withdraw a bit during sex is rather painful because of the extra-sensitive penis.
Treating phimosis
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Unfortunately I’m circumcised, but I’ve heard you need to pull it back slowly, over time, while erect / semi erect. I believe you were supposed to do it when young, but that’s not helpful.
Can you get lidocaine topical cream? Or go to a urologist, tell him/her you absolutely do NOT want to be circumcised but need some way to pull it back. They can probably either do it for you, which may require some lidocaine injections or maybe give you the cream you need.
Don’t go to any doctor aside from a urologist, they deal with that area. A doctor of another specialty won’t know how to treat it beyond circumcision.
You could also try using a towel soaked with hot water, wrap it around your penis for a few minutes and that may help loosen things up. Most likely you should see a urologist though. And be very clear you have no desire to be circumcised.
Had the same problem when I was younger. Had a girl give me head and use her tongue to help push it back and it literally cured it in 1 go
just get a circumcision, you'll thank me later
I wonder if I require those creams. I am able to push the foreskin back behind the head if I pull a little harder, and another half an inch if I pull really hard.
Also I am able to pull it back without issue when my dick isn't hard. I donno if that is typical or not.
Not really interested in that route
I concur with this guy OP, DO NOT get circumsised
go back to Zig Forums rabbi
mine was fixed through circumcision, the knock out drugs they give pre surgery gave me the best sleep of my life
Also true Christians get circumcised as Jesus himself was circumcised on the 8th day, as the eternal law of God commands.
Oy vey
>Also true Christians get circumcised