Do you guys take prefer AthleanX or Greg?
Do you guys take prefer AthleanX or Greg?
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I prefer not wasting my time on fitness e-celebs
I'd sooner go argue in a nofap thread
They're both faggots, but not as much as you OP
What video is this comment on? I am curious and want to watch the video also his voice hilariously does not match his body
wait what he has a tranny gf/wife?
Influencers are cancer. The diet and fitness industries in particular are rotten to the core. Their business model lies not in giving the best, most succinct advise, but in stringing patsies along and fleecing them with convoluted routines and autistic diet advice.
Nvm I found it
Greg has an annoying voice, does dumb "omg this guy does ROIDS" stuff and keeps telling newbies to recomp but Jeff is another level of stupidity that keeps people scared and weak.
Sauce me up bro (no homo)
I'm curious now and I cant find it through googlefu
Here you go senpai