Wow, great birthday party you threw for Arnold, everyone, but don't you think you're forgetting a certain something for this celebration that would have made Arnie a little happier?
Wow, great birthday party you threw for Arnold, everyone...
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The fat son lost a ton of weight!
i cant believe i ever thought patrick was a chad
nive man titties Arnold
>a guy whose had a couple of heart attacks and open heart surgery
Do they just want to cash out on the inheritance or what?
You know the Mexican son has never met his half brothers and sisters. He also follows all of them on Instagram but they don’t follow him back. Arnoldo is the true heir, not in name but in spirit. It’s all so Shakespearean I love it.
Where is the maid?
I would smash both of Arnold’s daughters. The fat son also looks like that guy who did the Fyre festival too.
Why did the elder daughter age so bad compared to the younger one?
he talks to the brothers however the sisters refuse to acknowledge his existence.