Wow, great birthday party you threw for Arnold, everyone, but don't you think you're forgetting a certain something for this celebration that would have made Arnie a little happier?
Wow, great birthday party you threw for Arnold, everyone...
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The fat son lost a ton of weight!
i cant believe i ever thought patrick was a chad
nive man titties Arnold
>a guy whose had a couple of heart attacks and open heart surgery
Do they just want to cash out on the inheritance or what?
You know the Mexican son has never met his half brothers and sisters. He also follows all of them on Instagram but they don’t follow him back. Arnoldo is the true heir, not in name but in spirit. It’s all so Shakespearean I love it.
Where is the maid?
I would smash both of Arnold’s daughters. The fat son also looks like that guy who did the Fyre festival too.
Why did the elder daughter age so bad compared to the younger one?
he talks to the brothers however the sisters refuse to acknowledge his existence.
How do you know this sir.
What a couple cunts. It's not like it is in any way his fault.
Women are irrational and bitter beings.
I am Joesph Beana
I'd smash the right one for sure
Those were due to the steroids user
>Arnold's father was an Aryan Nazi and his mother was a homely woman
>Arnold was an Austrian Mutt who ascended to become an ubermensch
>Arnold was basically the equivalent of an Aryan Nazi compared to his Guatemalan maid who was super homely
>Arnoldo is a Mestizo Mutt who is ascending to become an ubermensch
just google it faggot
So we can agree that spic women are best from a genetic point of view?
The sisters are probably fighting their Electra complex because he looks just like Arnold, and he also has the appeal of a suave Latino which wouldn't be agreeable in their high-class, elite circles
They definitely fantasize about Arnoldo but repress it and this comes out as them ignoring him and acting like they don't want him in their lives.
His gf has nice tits
Name one chad or stacy besides Arnoldo that came from miscegenation between whites and pacos
ok lol
i hope he makes it big and leaves them in the dust lul
IDK but comparing Arnoldo to his other kids is pretty big evidence.
Holy shit, Arnoldo is an uber chad
Sad if true. Looks like a cool guy.
She looks like a good mom. Also mirin forearms and sausage fingers. 10/10 would provide excellent Chad genes
They will inherit the Schwarzenegger and Kennedy fortune and status regardless of how successful (or not) Joseph is.
The daughters are tall and very attractive.
The fat son is just fat, if he cared at all about exercise he'd be a monster, he has literally everything else that guys wish they had.
The skinny son is a pretty boy chad too
just look at the bastard here There's no comparison, the bastard has the worst usage of Arnie's genetics other than being more buff than the otter-mode son.
I think the fat son finally lost some weight. See OP pic.
>wanting literally, LITERALLY cursed money
I'm an atheist but no fucking thanks