Keto and Low Carb are a Meme
>Imagine actually jerking off to the coffee posts from OP like a total beta
>Imagine the porn getting your attention and not just the actual content of the post
>Imagine jerking off to almost anything on Zig Forums, posted by some neckbeard faggot with a 2tb of retarded anime porn
I want to fuck her sooo bad anons. Stop posting females pls
Havent seen my gf in 3 months because quarantine
just 2 more weeks
Pretty of athletes develop insulin resistance and become diabetic, look it up.
>fat people realize they're fat and go on a low carb diet
>more keto people are overweight/obese
Correlation and causation, retard
Your link literally says this, too:
> High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets bring about greater weight loss in the short-term than diets emphasizing overall energy restriction, but there is no difference between diets in weight loss achieved at the end of 1 year (1).
Call it a meme, it clearly works. Go eat donuts somewhere else fatass
Agree here.
The only thing I don’t like about keto is lifting while doing it. DOMS last longer, energy is shit, objectively not as strong. And this was after running it for several months (~8 IIRC). If I do keto now it’s because I’m taking off from lifting.
>The only thing I don’t like about keto is lifting while doing it. DOMS last longer, energy is shit, objectively not as strong.
Maybe you should consider muscle to fat ratio instead of weight loss you retards
Every time I eat potatoes I get an odd fullness. Don't need keto.