based Irish
potato fueled
Keto and Low Carb are a Meme
This, bunch of marathon runners are pre-diabetic by their 50s because of the huge quantity of carbs they intake.
They ate too much fat, cuck.
>fat causes diabetes
holy molly how much does the COCA-COLA Company pay you to say retarded stuff like that?
The most god tier diet is a 48-72 hour fast once every two weeks, or even once a week if you really need to cut, and then eating like normal the rest of the time.
In the 48-72 window you get the highest fat loss without almost no muscle loss as your hormones literally switch into Chad mode for muscle preservation. Better yet tiny amount of protein your body does turn over is thought to be trash proteins anyway (yes there are bad proteins). It also corrects your insulin sensitivity and puts you into prime protein synthesis mode once you refeed.
It's fucking way better than a constant calorie restriction for fat loss and muscle retention and gives you nearly all the health benefits of the every day diet fads while letting you eat pretty much how you want for most of the month.
If you're a lifting bro who is trying to cut you're literally a dumb fuck if you're on a constant calorie restriction.
A 48-72 hour fast is basically like going on a mini anabolic cycle.
Newflash: the fat you eat is the fat you wear around your organs and it kills you
Still stuck in the 60s eh? Say hello to McGovern when you meet him in your early death you fat fuck.