Fasting is Stupid

This fucking idiot doesn't know what he's talking about. I watched his vids
>eat 500kcal refeed and fast as long as possible

>hurr durr eat at slight surplus on refeed for 72s and no more long fasting

WTF should I eat 500kcal or 2500kcal on refeed if my goal is weightloss

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just stop eating fatty

so 500kcal refeed then back on the wagon
he says that'll fuck up my metabolism though

Because he was learning through experience you retard

If you're defending this idiot ITT then post body. Or are you a "FUCKING PUSSY!" as he'd say?

Break fast; eat amount based on goals

Don't overthink it user. If you're a fat fatty then refeed with a lesser amount. If you feel like shit or performance suffers, then increase the caloric content of your refeed. Low carb refeeds are for fat fatties. As you get less fat and do better in the gym then increase the carbs. Eventually you progress to the point of needing to eat more often. You earn your calories, so to speak. So a typical fat fatty might start with rolling 72s, then progress to rolling 48s, then to OMAD.

CICO only, this upsets my programming

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He has different fasting advice for different people. Over the years, he's transitioned to fasting supersized hambeasts down to the bone. They require refeeds because they have no willpower which is how they got into that situation in the first place.


That depends on what fasting "routine" you are doing.

I wouldn't take fitness advice from youtubers and shit it makes way more sense to just stick to a sensible routine or something.

I don't understand how people fast longer than a day? I've been fasting for one day a week for two weeks now and plan on doing it again next monday. On the days that I eat, I keep it around 1200, or ideally 900, that way I'm consistently at a deficit of around 1000 calories. Add exercise on top of that and you'll be losing about 2 pounds a week for a while. Anything else is just extreme. Dont' worry about what fucks your body up just get the nutrients and don't be a dumbass.

It will. When eating eat well, when fasting just fast

He basically refined fasting for leaner people. The previous advice of fasting for days is for hambeast.
Leaner people should not do more than 24-72s depending on level of leanness.
You dont wanna eat at deficit on eating dayd because body doesnt get adequate nutrients and you feel like shit.

he literally found a way to monetize eating disorders. now watch how the brainwashed autists who fucked up their own endocrine systems will flock to shit on this comment, like a bunch of teen girls on pro-ana boards.

I don’t even count calories or fast more than the time between supper and lunch, but I’ve been losing weight faster and faster lately just eating... less stuff. I don’t know how many calories I’m eating but I know it’s less.

anyone following fasting is seriously fucked, it literally fucks up your metabolism and organs

Fasting is only useful for hamplanets or people who have already made it and are cutting, if you are “trying to lose weight” then you need to eat a sustainable healthy diet.

>Mammals have fat so that they can operate just fine when food is scarce
Do people even listen to themselves?

Listen to chink doc instead of this sham.

Meanwhile in reality people you just stop eating for a while, feel great and experience fun and vivid dreams while the fat melts away without any side-effects when done intelligently

Actually the most bizarre argument is the ones like The implication seems to be fasting is easy and does not create any long lasting effects or habits and its an easy and fast way to lose weight. Most people simply can't control themselves enough to do it and whether or not someone puts the weight back on has nothing to do with fasting. Weight loss is down to the individual and its up to them to keep themselves in shape.

>is bald/balding
Every time lmao

you're fucking retarded. kill yourself.

He is changing his approaching because all fat asses gaining weight back

The vivid dreams part is real, I had a hard time distinguishing dreams from reality during the night. I would eat in my dream and be 1000% convinced I just broke my fast, only half wake up to change sides and realise it was a dream

Eat BIG fast LONG, just like a fucking LION

Fad diets are gay just like snek boy and Makayla Peterson gave her mom liver cancer and her dad brain damage from the lion diet lol nice

Are you having a stroke?

Is there anything worse than a CICO fag? It's been known since the 1920's and scientifically proven that when you eat less your metabolic rate goes down and you start burning less fat. When you fast your metabolic rate stays at the same rate. If 80 fucking years of scientific studies by the american health journal isn't enough, then why isn't everyone in the USA skinny as fuck and obesity is down even though this shit has been hammered down our throats for the last 30 years. Oh right that's because it doesn't work.

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The battle cry of every fatty who won't stop snarfing junk. Yah got plenty of fat stores, you're not starving yah disgusting cunt.

cico is going to determine overall weight
food quality is going to determine hunger
exercise is going to determine body composition

i promise you someone who eats 10,000 calories a day of healthy foods is going to weight more than someone who eats 2,000 calories of the same foods a day

cico is not bs
and hormone manipulation is also not bs

I don't really see the issue

Eat to satiety (not over-filling) with quality food on eating days and then have entire periods where you don't eat. Shrinks your stomach and increases insulin sensitivity. Good for long-term body recomposition.

>It's been known since the 1920's and scientifically proven that when you eat less your metabolic rate goes dow
Not if you ECA stack
your metabolism never goes down