the girl i used to make fun of in HS became a lawyer and a pretty attractive woman in his mid 20s, i was the same jerk but just with more muscles and a wider jaw, she started to talk to me in quarentine on social media and we arranged a met up today, i geniunely felt in love with her i didnt know she was this sweet and good looking, when it was time to met up she stood me up and after 1 hour of me beta calling her to her phone she said she was in love with me in HS but i hurted her so much she could never get a boyfriend and was always ashamed of her body because of this, she told me all of this crying, she just wanted revenge for all the things i did to her, why the fuck are women like this in 2020
The girl i used to make fun of in HS became a lawyer and a pretty attractive woman in his mid 20s...
Go away
im asking for help, how im supposed to act, who was the wrong one here, how did she fake it so much just for leaving me there waiting 1 hour and half because MUH HIGH SCHOOL BULLY, why? im asking why? did someone ever here experienced the same?? i cant believe it i was geniunely falling in love with her damn
You are gay and your story is fake and you are gay
>who was in the wrong here
Obviously you, you are a total cunt. She did you a big favour by showing you as you apparently didn't realise yet.
Set up another date, but this time send her this
>the girl i used to make fun of in HS became a lawyer and a pretty attractive woman in his mid 20s
>his mid 20s
Tell her you’re sorry, that you wanna play tonsil hockey and jiggle squeeze spank her fat ass
this is obviously a fake thread to mirror the one the other faggot made about getting revenge on some girl who said no to him
Sounds pretty based t b h
it was a grammar mistake dude
just tell her you were a dumbass kid in school and you're sorry. Then tell her you want to take her out.
I know "cringe" is an overused word around here, but goddamn if it isn't appropriate! That being said, what is the official psychology explanation behind the embarrassing behavior of teenagers?
waiting her whole life for that moment absolutely based
tell her you are very hard, and that she needs to stop being a fucking Cunt and take this dick in the ass whorebag
>being this down because of one hoe
on one hand i hate when eomsn straight up manipulate men... ot the other, your are FUCKING simp for having existential crysis over one hoe
i am retarded phone poster
She's smart enough to become a lawyer. Why would she waste her life on an idiot that post on 4chinz that can't even form proper sentences.
Very good question
because im tall jacked and have a good face, she had to become a lawyer with cope with all the insecurities, deep down she still likes me but cant accept it, i may go for her sister or best friend now
yes i had that crisis but its over now, i told my sister about it and she said she was the wrong one because in HS you are a kid yet, then i asked her best friend number and she gave it to me, so fuck it bros im gonna fuck my sister best friend
>i may go for her sister or best friend now
Absolute Chad move if you can pull this off and flaunt it to her
Send her a picture of your penor with a gavel emoji and say erection sustained
nice fake blog
>I inherently deserve shit
>people who worked hard for anything are copers
I don't even care about the bitch, this is a very un/fit/ way of thinking. Read some books nigger.
Tell her you want to apologize in person
Then when she’s all cry baby give her a hug
And as you apologizing slowly slide ur hands from her waist to her cheeks
And then get really sincere, tell her you won’t ever take her for granted again
as ur squeezing her cheeks
Tell her you appreciate her
Then go groin for groin
It’s a science user
Tell her you wanted to make amends because you were cruel. But obviously this was a mistake and your gonna go. She'll chase you because she understands